Basic Tutorial to illustrate mysql console: create database and tables. Desc Tables; show tables; show databases;
Left click, as well as right click on the WAMP/XAMP/MAMP/XAMPP icon in your task bar and see the options. MySQL console will be present under the MySQL folder.
Usually your local installation of MySQL will have username as root and there will be no password. If you’re trying this on your commercial server, then make sure to use your correct username and password.
Video Tutorial: Database & Table Creation: MySQL console (commands/Queries)
CREATE DATABASE are keywords. software is the name given by us to the new database;
mysql> show databases;
mysql> show databases;
This query / command would list all the databases present inside our MySQL installation.
mysql> use software;
mysql> use software;
This query / command tells which database we will be working on from now.
mysql> show tables;
mysql> show tables;
This query / command would list all the tables present inside the database we are using or working on.
mysql> CREATE table Apple(id int, name varchar(20));
mysql> CREATE table Apple(id int, name varchar(20));
This would create a table by name Apple, which has two fields id and name. Here id is of integer type: default size 11. and name is of type varchar which is of size 20 – user allocated and its not default.
mysql> desc Apple;
mysql> desc Apple;
This would show the description or the structure of the table Apple.
Twitter and other API’s return these kind of string Sun Mar 23 06:39:16 +0000 2008 which we store into a variable. using PHP standard function explode we separate the elements based on space.
Video Tutorial: Format Date and Insert Into Database Table: PHP
This video to illustrates, verification of user email ID by sending a unique URL to be clicked by the user inorder to active his account, to further use the application.
This is bit more than just a simple login form. Because, here we need to check if the user is present in our database, and next, if present, whether the user has activated his/her account or not.
< ?php
< ?php
$u = $_POST['u'];
$p = md5($_POST['p']);
$res = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) from login where(email='$u' and pass='$p')");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
echo '<b>Successfully logged in</b><br />';
$rs = mysql_query("SELECT actv from login where email='$u'");
$rw = mysql_fetch_array($rs);
if($rw[0] == 0)
echo '<b>But please activate your email ID, before proceeding</b>';
$rs = mysql_query("SELECT name from login where email='$u'");
$rw= mysql_fetch_array($rs);
echo "Account activated......<br /> <br /> <blockquote><span color=red >
Welcome ".$rw[0].",</span><br /><br /> This website will be ready
soon, and you'll be among the first to hear from us!<br />
Until then, you can browse through our extensive collection of
quality tweets submitted by our present members
<a href=>Retweet Club</a><br /><br />
Regards,<br />Satish, CEO Technotip IT Solutions and Training
echo "<br />Login Failed";
< ?php
< ?php $u = $_POST['u']; $p = md5($_POST['p']); $res = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) from login where(email='$u' and pass='$p')"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($res); if($row[0]>0) { echo '<b>Successfully logged in</b><br />'; $rs = mysql_query("SELECT actv from login where email='$u'"); $rw = mysql_fetch_array($rs); if($rw[0] == 0) { echo '<b>But please activate your email ID, before proceeding</b>'; exit(); } else { $rs = mysql_query("SELECT name from login where email='$u'"); $rw= mysql_fetch_array($rs); echo "Account activated......<br /> <br /> <blockquote><span color=red > Welcome ".$rw[0].",</span><br /><br /> This website will be ready soon, and you'll be among the first to hear from us!<br /> Until then, you can browse through our extensive collection of quality tweets submitted by our present members <a href=>Retweet Club</a><br /><br /> Regards,<br />Satish, CEO Technotip IT Solutions and Training Center</blockquote>";
exit(); } } else echo "<br />Login Failed";
again, we are making use of md5() encryption, inorder to check with the already encrypted data present inside the database.
$rs = mysql_query("SELECT actv from login where email='$u'");
$rw = mysql_fetch_array($rs);
if($rw[0] == 0)
echo '<b>But please activate your email ID, before proceeding</b>';
$rs = mysql_query("SELECT name from login where email='$u'");
$rw= mysql_fetch_array($rs);
echo "Account activated......<br /> <br /> <blockquote><span color=red >
Welcome ".$rw[0].",</span><br /><br /> This website will be ready
soon, and you'll be among the first to hear from us!<br />
Until then, you can browse through our extensive collection of
quality tweets submitted by our present members
<a href=>Retweet Club</a><br /><br />
Regards,<br />Satish, CEO Technotip IT Solutions and Training Center
$rs = mysql_query("SELECT actv from login where email='$u'"); $rw = mysql_fetch_array($rs); if($rw[0] == 0) { echo '<b>But please activate your email ID, before proceeding</b>'; exit(); } else { $rs = mysql_query("SELECT name from login where email='$u'"); $rw= mysql_fetch_array($rs); echo "Account activated......<br /> <br /> <blockquote><span color=red > Welcome ".$rw[0].",</span><br /><br /> This website will be ready soon, and you'll be among the first to hear from us!<br /> Until then, you can browse through our extensive collection of quality tweets submitted by our present members <a href=>Retweet Club</a><br /><br /> Regards,<br />Satish, CEO Technotip IT Solutions and Training Center </blockquote>";
exit(); }
Depending on whether the user has activated his/her account we display the appropriate message.
activate.php This is the file to which the values will be sent to, once the user clicks on the link sent to his/her email.
Using the values sent by the user(upon clicking the link), this script checks the value against the database to see if its valid. If valid, it updates the act attribute value to 1, which indicated the user verified his/her account.
Other users: We can make use of this application and allow or disallow some of the features of our application. This technique highly helps in combating with the spam issues on the web.
You can purchase this simple script directly for as less as $1.95 get here.
This video to illustrates, verification of user email ID by sending a unique URL to be clicked by the user inorder to active his account, to further use the application.
Use We can restrict certain features of our application for the accounts which has not been verified. By this we can know if the email ID is valid and authorized user is using it and no one else.
mysql> create database test;
mysql> use test;
mysql> create table login(
name varchar(25) not null,
pass varchar(60) not null,
email varchar(30) primary key,
phn varchar(15),
rndm varchar(20) not null,
actv int not null);
mysql> create database test;
mysql> use test;
mysql> create table login( name varchar(25) not null, pass varchar(60) not null, email varchar(30) primary key, phn varchar(15), rndm varchar(20) not null, actv int not null);
Note: Do not make phno as integer, as it can’t handle huge numbers like 9844552841 (if its a phone number!) email is concede red as Primary Key, as we can identify each user uniquely via this attribute. No two user can have the same email id.
< ?php include_once('db.php'); ?>
< ?php
$n = $_POST['n'];
$p = md5($_POST['password']);
$email = $_POST['email'];
$phn = $_POST['phn'];
$rndm = rand(34565, 993240);
$sql ="INSERT into login values('$n','$p','$email','$phn', '$rndm', '0')";
echo "Not updated..".mysql_error();
$url = "$rndm&email=$email";
$cont = "click this link $url To activate your account";
if( mail($email, "Activate Account!", $cont, "From: [email protected]") )
echo '<b>Please visit your email to activate your account
<br />After Activation, <a href="login.php">log into your account</a>';
echo '<b>Registration failed..<a href="register.php">please try again</a></b>';
< ?php include_once('db.php'); ?>
< ?php
$n = $_POST['n'];
$p = md5($_POST['password']);
$email = $_POST['email'];
$phn = $_POST['phn'];
$rndm = rand(34565, 993240);
$sql ="INSERT into login values('$n','$p','$email','$phn', '$rndm', '0')";
if(!mysql_query($sql)) echo "Not updated..".mysql_error();
{ $url = "$rndm&email=$email"; $cont = "click this link $url To activate your account"; if( mail($email, "Activate Account!", $cont, "From: [email protected]") ) echo '<b>Please visit your email to activate your account <br />After Activation, <a href="login.php">log into your account</a>'; else echo '<b>Registration failed..<a href="register.php">please try again</a></b>';
change to the actual domain name the application is hosted on.
md5() is a built-in function. It is a encryption technique for securing the user passwords from intruders. rand( initialValue, finalValue) is a built-in PHP function which takes range as its parameter and generates a random number between them.
mail() is a built-in PHP function for sending emails.