In this c program, we ask the user/employee to enter current year and his / her year of joining the organization/company. We check if the employee has served the company / organization for more than 3 years. If yes, then we give him/her a bonus of $2500 and if he or she has served for less than 3 years we’ll give $1000 as bonus.
In this program we check if the employee has worked for 3 years in the organization or not. We subtract his year of joining from current year and then based on that we decide his or her bonus.
Today lets build a dynamic suggested list input field using HTML5, jQuery, PHP and MySQL.
We have 55 company names in our database table – and the import file(.sql) can be downloaded at the end of this tutorial page. By using jQuery we pass user input to suggest.php file and the result is embedded into index.html file.
Here we have included jQuery library file before our script myScript.js We also have an input field of type text, with an id = suggest, name = company and list = myCompanies. And a datalist element is linked/associated with input field, by matching it’s id with the name of input field’s list attribute. The value for option tag will be filled by jQuery, using the results output by suggest.php file.
$sql = "SELECT name FROM table1 WHERE name like '$company%' ORDER BY name";
$res = $db->query($sql);
echo mysqli_error($db);
while( $row = $res->fetch_object() )
echo"<option value="".$row->name."">";
< ?php
$db = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', '', 'search');
$company = $_GET['company'];
$sql = "SELECT name FROM table1 WHERE name like '$company%' ORDER BY name";
$res = $db->query($sql);
echo mysqli_error($db);
while( $row = $res->fetch_object() )
echo "<option value="".$row->name."">";
Here we connect php file to database(search). Get the keyword entered by the user in the input field and form a sql query. By using query() method, we process it and finally format it the way we need it i.e., we wrap the company names inside option tag’s value attribute.
For every keyup event on the input field we trigger jQuery method $.get() and pass the user input keys to suggest.php file and the result is collected back by the callback function and the result set is stored in a variable called data.
Now we first make sure to clear out previous data present inside datalist element i.e., we clear the previous results by removing any option tags present inside datalist element. Now we fill the datalist element with the new data/result output from suggest.php file.
Since we’re using jQuery here, page does not reload and the suggested entries looks real and spontaneous.
Here is the list of company names I’ve taken for this tutorial
3M 7-Eleven Accenture Acer Adidas Adobe systems AMD AOL Apache Apple inc Appolo group Aricent Asus AT&T Bank of America BBC BE Aerospace BMC Software Boeing Bosch Brewing Company Boston Acoustic CA Technologies Citrix Systems Cognizant Technolog Cognizant Technology Solutions Convergys Dell Delphi DHL Divx Inc eBay EMC Corporation Exelon Facebook Ford Motor Company Fox Entertainment Group GCI GoDaddy Goodrich Corporation Google Hawaiian Airlines Hewlett-Packard Honeywell IBM Intel Johnson & Johnson KFC McDonalds Microsoft Motorola Nvidia Red Hat Yahoo!
Video Tutorials: Dynamic Suggested List: HTML5 + jQuery + PHP + MySQL
Note: For any older browsers which do not support datalist element or list attribute, it will simply fall back to text type input field and it doesn’t produce any error.