Employee Bonus Calculation: C

In this c program, we ask the user/employee to enter current year and his / her year of joining the organization/company. We check if the employee has served the company / organization for more than 3 years. If yes, then we give him/her a bonus of $2500 and if he or she has served for less than 3 years we’ll give $1000 as bonus.

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Source Code: Employee Bonus Calculation: C

#include < stdio.h >

int main()
    int bonus, cy, yoj;

    printf("Enter current year and year of joining\n");
    scanf("%d %d", &cy, &yoj);

    if( (cy - yoj) > 3 )
        bonus = 2500;
        bonus = 1000;

    printf("You get a bonus of %d \n", bonus);

    return 0;

Output 1:
Enter current year and year of joining
You get a bonus of 1000

Output 2:
Enter current year and year of joining
You get a bonus of 2500

C Program to Calculate Employee Bonus

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nB7ngERD3Tc]

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nB7ngERD3Tc [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

In this program we check if the employee has worked for 3 years in the organization or not. We subtract his year of joining from current year and then based on that we decide his or her bonus.

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