C Program To Find Sum of Squares of Digits using Recursion

Write a C program to find sum of squares of digits of a positive integer number input by the user, using recursive function.


If user inputs num value as 123. Then we fetch the individual digits present in 123 i.e., 3, 2 and 1, square it and add it to get the final result.

i.e., (3 x 3) + (2 x 2) + (1 x 1) = 14.

So, sum of squares of digits of 123 is 14.

Video Tutorial: C Program To Find Sum of Squares of Digits using Recursion

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YaJ2pIkzKc]

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YaJ2pIkzKc [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

Source Code: C Program To Find Sum of Squares of Digits using Recursion


int square(int num)
    if(num == 0)
        return 0;
        return( (num%10) * (num%10) + square(num/10) );

int main()
    int num;

    printf("Enter a positive integer number:\n");
    scanf("%d", &num);

    printf("Sum of squares of digits of %d is %d.\n", num, square(num));

    return 0;

Enter a positive integer number:
Sum of squares of digits of 123 is 14.

Source Code: C Program To Find Sum of Squares of Digits using Recursion and pow() method


int square(int num)
    if(num == 0)
        return 0;
        return( pow((num%10), 2) + square(num/10) );

int main()
    int num;

    printf("Enter a positive integer number:\n");
    scanf("%d", &num);

    printf("Sum of squares of digits of %d is %d.\n", num, square(num));

    return 0;

Enter a positive integer number:
Sum of squares of digits of 123 is 14.

Here we are making use of pow() method present inside math.h library file. pow() takes base value as first argument and exponent value as its second argument.

Source Code: C Program To Find Sum of Squares of Digits using Recursion, Ternary/Conditional Operator and pow() method


int square(int);

int main()
    int num;

    printf("Enter a positive integer number:\n");
    scanf("%d", &num);

    printf("Sum of squares of digits of %d is %d.\n", num, square(num));

    return 0;

int square(int num)
    return( (num == 0) ? 0 : ( pow((num % 10), 2) + square(num/10) ));

Output 1:
Enter a positive integer number:
Sum of squares of digits of 123 is 14.

Output 2:
Enter a positive integer number:
Sum of squares of digits of 2103 is 14.

Output 3:
Enter a positive integer number:
Sum of squares of digits of 456 is 77.

Output 4:
Enter a positive integer number:
Sum of squares of digits of 2020 is 8.

Output 5:
Enter a positive integer number:
Sum of squares of digits of 2021 is 9.

To know more about Ternary or Conditional Operator visit:
Ternary Operator / Conditional Operator In C.

Dry Run: Example

Lets assume that user has input num value as 123.


Value Returning – Control Shifting back.

Return ValueToResult
return 0;square(0)1+0=1

So, sum of squares of digits of 123 is 14.

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C Program To Convert Decimal To Binary Number using Recursion

A positive integer is entered through the keyboard, write a function to find the Binary equivalent of this number:

(1) Without using recursion.
(2) Using recursion.

Analyze The Problem Statement

We need to convert the user input Decimal number to its equivalent Binary number using iterative logic as well as recursive logic.

In this video tutorial, we’ll write 2 functions. One for iterative logic and another for recursive logic.

Expected Input/Output

Enter a Decimal number

Iterative Logic
Binary Equivalent of 14 is 1110.

Recursive Logic
Binary Equivalent of 14 is 11110.

Note: Binary number system can be derived by base 2 to the power of whole numbers.

Binary Number System


If user enters num = 14

We keep on dividing and modulo dividing the number by 2.

14 / 2 = 7, reminder 0.
07 / 2 = 3, reminder 1.
03 / 2 = 1, reminder 1.
01 / 2 = 0

So Binary equivalent of 14 is 1110.

Video Tutorial: C Program To Convert Decimal To Binary Number using Recursion

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBaesKngoMY]

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBaesKngoMY [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

Source Code: C Program To Convert Decimal To Binary Number using Recursion


int binary_rec(int);
int binary(int);

int main()
    int num;

    printf("Enter a Decimal number\n");
    scanf("%d", &num);

    printf("Binary Equivalent (Iterative) of %d is %d\n", num, binary(num));
    printf("Binary Equivalent (Recursive) of %d is %d\n", num, binary_rec(num));

    return 0;

int binary_rec(int num)
    if(num == 0)
        return 0;
        return((num % 2) + 10 * binary_rec(num/2));

int binary(int num)
    int rem, bin = 0, place = 1;
        rem   = num % 2;
        num   = num / 2;
        bin   = bin + (rem * place);
        place = place * 10;

Output 1:
Enter a Decimal number

Iterative Logic
Binary Equivalent of 14 is 1110

Recursive Logic
Binary Equivalent of 14 is 1110

Output 2:
Enter a Decimal number

Iterative Logic
Binary Equivalent of 41 is 101001

Recursive Logic
Binary Equivalent of 41 is 101001

Logic To Convert Decimal Number To Binary Number using Recursion

For iterative logic, please check the video tutorial C Program To Convert Decimal Number To Binary Number, using While Loop.

Recursive Function Logic
Assume that user inputs num value as 14.

numnum % 2(num % 2) + 10 * binary_rec(num/2)
1414 % 2(0) + 10 * binary_rec(7)
77 % 2(1) + 10 * binary_rec(3)
33 % 2(1) + 10 * binary_rec(1)
11 % 2(1) + 10 * binary_rec(0)

Value Returning – Control Shifting back.

Return ValueToResult
return 0;(1) + 10 * binary_rec(0)(1) + 10 * 0 = 1
1(1) + 10 * binary_rec(1)(1) + 10 * 1 = 11
11(1) + 10 * binary_rec(3)(1) + 10 * 11 = 111
111(0) + 10 * binary_rec(7)(0) + 10 * 111 = 1110

Binary Equivalent of Decimal Number 14 is 1110.

Source Code: C Program To Convert Decimal To Binary Number using Recursion and Ternary or Conditional Operator


int binary_rec(int);
int binary(int);

int main()
    int num;

    printf("Enter a Decimal number\n");
    scanf("%d", &num);

    printf("\nIterative Logic\n");
    printf("Binary Equivalent of %d is %d\n\n", num, binary(num));

    printf("\nRecursive Logic\n");
    printf("Binary Equivalent of %d is %d\n\n", num, binary_rec(num));

    return 0;

int binary_rec(int num)
    return( (num == 0) ? 0 : (num % 2) + 10 * binary_rec(num / 2));

int binary(int num)
    int rem, bin = 0, place = 1;

    while(num != 0)
        rem   = num % 2;
        num   = num / 2;
        bin   = bin + (rem * place);
        place = place * 10;

Output 1:
Enter a Decimal number

Iterative Logic
Binary Equivalent of 14 is 1110

Recursive Logic
Binary Equivalent of 14 is 1110

Output 2:
Enter a Decimal number

Iterative Logic
Binary Equivalent of 41 is 101001

Recursive Logic
Binary Equivalent of 41 is 101001

To know more about Ternary or Conditional Operator visit:
Ternary Operator / Conditional Operator In C

Source Code: C Program To Convert Decimal To Binary Number using Recursion

Another Method


void binary_rec(int);
int binary(int);

int main()
    int num;

    printf("Enter a Decimal number\n");
    scanf("%d", &num);

    printf("\nIterative Logic\n");
    printf("Binary Equivalent of %d is %d\n\n", num, binary(num));

    printf("\nRecursive Logic\n");
    printf("Binary Equivalent of %d is ", num);

    return 0;

void binary_rec(int num)
    if(num == 1)
        printf("%d", num%2);

int binary(int num)
    int rem, bin = 0, place = 1;

    while(num != 0)
        rem   = num % 2;
        num   = num / 2;
        bin   = bin + (rem * place);
        place = place * 10;

Enter a Decimal number

Iterative Logic
Binary Equivalent of 14 is 1110

Recursive Logic
Binary Equivalent of 14 is 1110

Here we simply divide the number by 2 and keep passing it as new value of num to binary_rec() function, and we print num%2 once num = 1 and it returns the value 1.

Number Systems

number systems

1. Binary Number System uses base 2 and digits 01.
2. Octal Number System uses base 8 and digits 01234567.
3. Decimal Number System uses base 10 and digits 0123456789.
4. Hexadecimal Number System uses base 16 and digits 0123456789ABCDEF.

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C Program To Find GCD of Two Numbers using Recursion: Euclid’s Algorithm

Lets write a C program to find GCD(Greatest Common Divisor) or HCF(Highest Common Factor) of two positive integer numbers input by the user using Euclid’s Algorithm and by using Recursive function call logic.

Related Read:
C Program To Find GCD and LCM of Two Numbers using Euclidean algorithm
Recursive Functions In C Programming Language

Euclid’s Algorithm Logic

If user inputs 2 numbers n1 and n2, reduce the bigger number by modulo dividing it by the smaller number. For example, if n1 is greater than n2, then reduce the value of n1 by replacing it with n1%n2.

Assume that we’ve a function gcd() which returns gcd of 2 numbers passed to it. Ex: gcd(n1, n2);

According to Euclid’s Algorithm, we’ll get the same gcd if we reduce the bigger number by modulo dividing it by smaller number.

If n1 > n2 we need to pass gcd(n1%n2, n2);
If n2 > n1, we need to pass gcd(n1, n2%n1);

We need to recursively execute above 2 lines of logic until either n1 is 0 or until n2 is 0. If n1 is 0, then value present in n2 is the gcd of (n1,n2). If n2 is 0, then value present in n1 is the gcd of (n1,n2).

Video Tutorial: C Program To Find GCD of Two Numbers using Recursion: Euclid’s Algorithm

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6zrTKpSg20]

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6zrTKpSg20 [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

Source Code: C Program To Find GCD of Two Numbers using Recursion: Euclid’s Algorithm


int gcd(int, int);

int main()
    int num1, num2;

    printf("Enter 2 positive integer numbers\n");
    scanf("%d%d", &num1, &num2);

    printf("\nGCD of %d and %d is %d.\n", num1, num2, gcd(num1, num2));

    return 0;

int gcd(int n1, int n2)
    if(n1 == 0) return n2;
    if(n2 == 0) return n1;

    if(n1 > n2)
        return gcd(n1%n2, n2);
        return gcd(n1, n2%n1);

Output 1:
Enter 2 positive integer numbers

GCD of 1980 and 1617 is 33.

Output 2:
Enter 2 positive integer numbers

GCD of 15 and 20 is 5.


Lets assume that user has entered n1 = 1980 and n2 = 1617

n1n2Biggest NoEvaluateFunction Call
198016171980gcd(1980 % 1617, 1617)gcd(363, 1617)
36316171617gcd(363, 1617 % 363)gcd(363, 165)
363165363gcd(363 % 165, 165)gcd(33, 165)
33165165gcd(33, 165 % 33)gcd(33, 0)

In above table gcd(33, 0) gets called, since n2 = 0, our program returns value of n1 as gcd, which is 33.

So GCD of 1980 and 1617 is 33.

Source Code: C Program To Find GCD of Two Numbers using Recursion and Ternary or Conditional Operator: Euclid’s Algorithm


int gcd(int, int);

int main()
    int num1, num2;

    printf("Enter 2 positive integer numbers\n");
    scanf("%d%d", &num1, &num2);

    printf("GCD of %d and %d is %d.\n", num1, num2, gcd(num1, num2));

    return 0;

int gcd(int n1, int n2)
    if(n1 == 0) return n2;
    if(n2 == 0) return n1;

    return( (n1 > n2) ? gcd(n1%n2, n2) : gcd(n1, n2%n1) );

Output 1:
Enter 2 positive integer numbers

GCD of 1980 and 1617 is 33.

Know more about ternary operator or conditional operator, watch a separate video tutorial: Ternary Operator / Conditional Operator In C.

For list of all c programming interviews / viva question and answers visit: C Programming Interview / Viva Q&A List

For full C programming language free video tutorial list visit:C Programming: Beginner To Advance To Expert

C Program To Find Factorial of a Number using Recursion

Lets write a C program to find Factorial of a user input number using Recursion.

Factorial Definition: Factorial of a positive integer n, denoted by n!, is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n.

Important Note: By convention, Factorial of 0 is 1. i.e., 0! = 1.

Example: 5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 which is equal to 120. i.e., 5! = 120.

Formula To Calculate Factorial of any positive integer number
We can calculate factorial of any number using this relationship:

num! = num * (num – 1)!

where num is a positive integer number.

Related Read:
C Program To Find Factorial of a Number
Recursive Functions In C Programming Language

Video Tutorial: C Program To Find Factorial of a Number using Recursion

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efcK6uNZzKw]

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efcK6uNZzKw [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

Source Code: C Program To Find Factorial of a Number using Recursion


int fact(int);

int main()
    int num;

    printf("Enter a positive number to find its Factorial\n");
    scanf("%d", &num);

    printf("\nFactorial of %d is %d.\n", num, fact(num));

    return 0;

int fact(int num)
        return(num * fact(num - 1));
        return 1;

Output 1:
Enter a positive number to find its Factorial

Factorial of 7 is 5040.

Output 2:
Enter a positive number to find its Factorial

Factorial of 8 is 40320.

Logic To Find Factorial of a Number using Recursion

We ask the user to enter a positive integer number and we pass this number to a function called fact().

Inside fact() function
Inside fact() function, we check if the number is non-zero, if true, we execute the code inside if block orelse(if num is zero), then the code inside else block gets executed.

Inside if block, we add the factorial of (num-1) to the value of num.

num * fact(num – 1)

and return the result to the calling function.

Inside else block, we simply return 1. Because factorial of 0 is 1. So when num is 0, we return 1.


numnum * fact(num-1)
55 * fact(4)
44 * fact(3)
33 * fact(2)
22 * fact(1)
11 * fact(0)

Value Returning – Control Shifting back.

FunctionReturn Value Result
1 * fact(0)return 1;1 * 1 = 1
2 * fact(1)12 * 1 = 2
3 * fact(2)23 * 2 = 6
4 * fact(3)64 * 6 = 24
5 * fact(4)245 * 24 = 120

Finally 120 will be returned to main() method where we call the fact() method.

Source Code: C Program To Find Factorial of a Number using Recursion and Ternary or Conditional Operator


int fact(int);

int main()
    int num;

    printf("Enter a positive number to find its Factorial\n");
    scanf("%d", &num);

    printf("\nFactorial of %d is %d.\n", num, fact(num));

    return 0;

int fact(int num)
    return( (num > 0) ? (num * fact(num - 1)) : 1 );

Output 1:
Enter a positive number to find its Factorial

Factorial of 5 is 120.

Output 2:
Enter a positive number to find its Factorial

Factorial of 6 is 720.

Know more about ternary operator or conditional operator, watch a separate video tutorial: Ternary Operator / Conditional Operator In C.

Memory Stack

Whenever there is a recursive function call, function instance and the memory associated with that function instance gets pushed into the stack. When any function instance returns a value, that function instance and memory associated with that function instance gets popped out or removed or gets deleted from the memory stack.

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For full C programming language free video tutorial list visit:C Programming: Beginner To Advance To Expert

C Program To Reverse a Number using Recursion

Lets write a C program to reverse a user input number, using recursive function.

Example: If user input number is 12345, recursive function should return 54321 i.e., the reversed number.

Related Read:
C Program To Reverse a Number
Recursive Functions In C Programming Language

Video Tutorial: C Program To Reverse a Number using Recursion

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQt27d-OBfk]

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQt27d-OBfk [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

Source Code: C Program To Reverse a Number using Recursion


int reverse(int num)
        return( (num%10) * pow(10, (int)log10(num)) + reverse(num/10) );
        return 0;

int main()
    int num, isNegative = 1, result = 0;

    printf("Enter a number to reverse\n");
    scanf("%d", &num);

    isNegative = (num < 0);

        num *= -1;

    result = reverse(num);

        result *= -1;

    printf("Reverse of %d is %d\n", num, result);

    return 0;

Output 1:
Enter a number to reverse
Reverse of 12345 is 54321

Output 2:
Enter a number to reverse
Reverse of -12345 is -54321

Logic To Reverse a Number using Recursion

We ask the user to input a number, and store it inside variable num. If num is negative, then we store 1(true) inside variable isNegative or store 0(false) inside variable isNegative if num is positive.

If isNegative is 1, then we change the value of num to positive and send it as argument to reverse() function.

Inside reverse() function
If num is 0, it returns 0. Else we recursively call reverse() function as follows:

(num%10) * pow(10, (int)log10(num)) + reverse(num/10)

num % 10 gives the last digit in the number.
log10(num) gives the length of the number or the number of digits present in the number. The count starts from 0. Ex: if num = 12345, then log10(num) would give 4.

num/10 reduces the number by 1 digit from right.

pow(10, (int)log10(num)) is used to properly place the reminder value in its decimal place.

Lets assume that user has input 1234 as value of num.

i.e., num = 1234;

Recursive Function Calls – Stacking of calls

numnum % 10num%10*log10(num)num/10
123444 * 103 = 4000reverse(123)
12333 * 102 = 300reverse(12)
1222 * 101 = 20reverse(1)
111 * 100 = 1reverse(0)

Value Returning – Control Shifting back.

Return ToresultresolveReturn Value
reverse(1)1* 100+reverse(0)1 * 1 + 01
reverse(12)2*101+reverse(1)2 * 10 + 121
reverse(123)3*102+reverse(12)3 * 100 + 21321
reverse(1234)4*103+reverse(123)4 * 1000 + 3214321

Note: Whenever there is a call to a function, the function instance(and memory associated with it) gets stored in the memory stack. Once the function returns value to calling function, the control shifts back to the calling function and the memory instance gets popped or deleted out of the memory stack immediately after returning the value.

Source Code: C Program To Reverse a Number using Recursion and Ternary Operator


int reverse(int num)
return( (num>0) ?
        ((num%10) * pow(10, (int)log10(num)) + reverse(num/10)) :

int main()
    int num, isNegative = 1, result;

    printf("Enter a number to reverse\n");
    scanf("%d", &num);

    isNegative = (num < 0);

        num *= -1;

    result = reverse(num);

        num *= -1;
        result *= -1;

    printf("Reverse of %d is %d\n", num, result);

    return 0;

Output 1:
Enter a number to reverse
Reverse of 123 is 321

Output 2:
Enter a number to reverse
Reverse of -123 is -321

Know more about ternary operator or conditional operator, watch a separate video tutorial: Ternary Operator / Conditional Operator In C

Source Code: C Program To Reverse a Number using Recursion without using log10() function


int reverse(int num, int len)
        return( (num%10) * pow(10, len-1) + reverse(num/10, len-1) );
        return 0;

int main()
    int num, count = 0, temp;

    printf("Enter a number to reverse\n");
    scanf("%d", &num);

    temp = num;

        temp = temp / 10;

    printf("Reverse of %d is %d\n", num, reverse(num, count));

    return 0;

Output 1:
Enter a number to reverse
Reverse of 123456 is 654321

Output 2:
Enter a number to reverse
Reverse of -123456 is -654321

Logic To Reverse a Number using Recursion without using log10() function

Inside main method itself we calculate the number of digits present in the user entered number and then pass that information to the function reverse() along with the user entered number.

reverse(num, count);

Inside reverse() function
Inside reverse() function, we get the reminder by modulo dividing num by 10. We place this remainder in it’s decimal place by multiplying it with

pow(10, len-1)

where len is the length or the number of digits present in the number.

Next we recursively call reverse() function and pass the value of (num/10) and (len-1).

Finally we combine all these results using below formula and return the value to the calling function recursively, until num is equal to 0:

(num%10) * pow(10, len-1) + reverse(num/10, len-1)

Look at above tables to know the calling function and return values.

For list of all c programming interviews / viva question and answers visit: C Programming Interview / Viva Q&A List

For full C programming language free video tutorial list visit:C Programming: Beginner To Advance To Expert