C Program To Print All ASCII Characters and Value

Lets write a C program to print/display all ASCII characters and its corresponding value / code.

Note: In C programming language, every alphabet, number and symbol has corresponding ASCII value(a integer number representing the character).

Total number of Character in ASCII is 256 (0 to 255).
0 to 31(total 32 character) is called as ASCII control characters.
32 to 127 character is called as ASCII printable characters.
128 to 255 is called as The extended ASCII codes.

Video Tutorial: C Program To Print All ASCII Characters and Value

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejZT-bkXqg4 [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

Source Code: C Program To Print All ASCII Characters and Value

  1. #include<stdio.h>  
  3. int main()  
  4. {  
  5.     int count = 0;  
  7.     while(count <= 255)  
  8.     {  
  9.         printf("ASCII value of %c is %d\n\n ", count, count);  
  10.         count++;  
  11.     }  
  13.     return 0;  
  14. }  

ASCII value of is 0

ASCII value of is 1

ASCII value of is 2

ASCII value of is 3

ASCII value of is 4

ASCII value of is 5

ASCII value of is 6

ASCII value of is 7

ASCII value of is 8

ASCII value of is 9

ASCII value of
is 10

ASCII value of is 11

ASCII value of is 12

is 13

ASCII value of is 14

ASCII value of is 15

ASCII value of is 16

ASCII value of is 17

ASCII value of is 18

ASCII value of is 19

ASCII value of is 20

ASCII value of § is 21

ASCII value of is 22

ASCII value of is 23

ASCII value of is 24

ASCII value of is 25

ASCII value of is 26

ASCII value of is 27

ASCII value of is 28

ASCII value of is 29

ASCII value of is 30

ASCII value of is 31

ASCII value of is 32

ASCII value of ! is 33

ASCII value of is 34

ASCII value of # is 35

ASCII value of $ is 36

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ASCII value of & is 38

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ASCII value of ( is 40

ASCII value of ) is 41

ASCII value of * is 42

ASCII value of + is 43

ASCII value of , is 44

ASCII value of is 45

ASCII value of . is 46

ASCII value of / is 47

ASCII value of 0 is 48

ASCII value of 1 is 49

ASCII value of 2 is 50

ASCII value of 3 is 51

ASCII value of 4 is 52

ASCII value of 5 is 53

ASCII value of 6 is 54

ASCII value of 7 is 55

ASCII value of 8 is 56

ASCII value of 9 is 57

ASCII value of : is 58

ASCII value of ; is 59

ASCII value of < is 60

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ASCII value of > is 62

ASCII value of ? is 63

ASCII value of @ is 64

ASCII value of A is 65

ASCII value of B is 66

ASCII value of C is 67

ASCII value of D is 68

ASCII value of E is 69

ASCII value of F is 70

ASCII value of G is 71

ASCII value of H is 72

ASCII value of I is 73

ASCII value of J is 74

ASCII value of K is 75

ASCII value of L is 76

ASCII value of M is 77

ASCII value of N is 78

ASCII value of O is 79

ASCII value of P is 80

ASCII value of Q is 81

ASCII value of R is 82

ASCII value of S is 83

ASCII value of T is 84

ASCII value of U is 85

ASCII value of V is 86

ASCII value of W is 87

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ASCII value of g is 103

ASCII value of h is 104

ASCII value of i is 105

ASCII value of j is 106

ASCII value of k is 107

ASCII value of l is 108

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For list of all c programming interviews / viva question and answers visit: C Programming Interview / Viva Q&A List

For full C programming language free video tutorial list visit:C Programming: Beginner To Advance To Expert

color Input Type: HTML5

color input type fields expect the user to pick the color from the color palette. Once the user selects the color its corresponding hexadecimal value is being stored in the input field.



There are jQuery plugins to accomplish this task, but with HTML5 we need not use any plugins to accomplish this!

HTML file

< !DOCTYPE html>
<title>color Input Type: HTML5</title>
<link href="myStyle.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="myScript.js"></script>
<body onload="fetch()">
<label for="color">Color pick: </label>
 <input name="color" type="color" id="get" onchange="fetch()"/><br />
<label for="hexa">Hex Code: </label>
 <input name="hexa" type="text" id="put"/><br />

Here we have 2 input fields of type color and text respectively. Once the user selects a color from the color palette, the corresponding hexadecimal value is shown in the text input type field.

JavaScript file

function fetch()
var get = document.getElementById("get").value;
document.getElementById("put").value = get;

Once the fetch method is called: it fetches the value present in the (color)input field and assigns it to text input field.

CSS file associated with this is same as present at pattern and title Attribute of Form Field: HTML5

Form Input Type – color: HTML5

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiCOVDrVH44 [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

Note: In real production server, you need not use two input fields as shown in this video tutorial. You can simply make use of the color input type and once you submit the form, you’ll get hexadecimal code value in place of the color input field. If you have a large audience still using Internet Explorer or other older browsers, then you can use jQuery plugin to accomplish the same task across all major browsers.

Roots of Quadratic Equation: JavaScript

Quadratic Equations are of the form ax2 + bx + c = 0. To find roots(root1 and root2) of such an equation, we need to use the formula


Video Explaining The JavaScript Code To Find Roots of a Quadratic Equation:

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td6QViKdbZU [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

To calculate the roots of a quadratic equation using a computer program, we need to break down the formula and calculate smaller parts of it and then combine to get the actual solution.

So lets calculate square root of b2 – 4 * a * c and store it in variable root_part. Also store 2 * a in variable denom. Now calculate ( – b + root_part ) / denom and store it in root1 and ( – b – root_part ) / denom in root2.
Output the values of root1 and root2 to the browser using document.write statement.

Javascript Coding Explained In Above Video:

 <title>Quadratic Equation</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var a = prompt("Enter value of a","1");
var b = prompt("Enter value of b","4");
var c = prompt("Enter value of c","4");
var root_part = Math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c);
var denom = 2 * a;
var root1 = ( -b + root_part ) / denom;
var root2 = ( -b - root_part ) / denom;
document.write("1st root: "+root1+"<br />");
document.write("2nd root: "+root2+"<br />");
// -->

Usually people will make mistake in this line

var root_part = Math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c);

Be sure that, you write capital letter M in Math.sqrt.

Work Space:
Quadratic Equation: ax2 + bx + c = 0
a = 1
b = 4
c = 4
i.e., 1x2 + 4x + 4 =0
=> 1x2 + 2x + 2x + 4 = 0
=> x ( x + 2 ) + 2 ( x + 2 ) = 0
=> ( x + 2 ) + ( x + 2 ) = 0
=> x + 2 = 0 AND x + 2 = 0
=> x = -2 AND x = -2

Generating Fibonacci Series using JavaScript

Today lets see how to generate Fibonacci Series using JavaScript programming.

First Thing First: What Is Fibonacci Series ?
Fibonacci Series is a series of numbers where the first two Fibonacci numbers are 0 and 1, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two. Its recurrence relation is given by Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2.

Below are a series of Fibonacci numbers(10 numbers):

How Its Formed:
0 <– First Number
1 <– Second Number
1 <– = 1 + 0
2 <– = 1 + 1
3 <– = 2 + 1
5 <– = 3 + 2
8 <– = 5 + 3
13 <– = 8 + 5
21 <– = 13 + 8
34 <– = 21 + 13

Video Explaining The JavaScript Code To Generate Fibonacci Series:

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8WwUwOxm5M [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

Some points to keep in mind:
1. In Javascript, it is not mandatory to declare a variable before using it. But still its a good practice to declare it before using.
2. Using html comments inside javascript code ensures that, the old browsers which do not support javascript will ignore all the code written inside the script tags.
3. If we give a very large number while entering the limit, then the loop start executing and the browser memory will soon exhaust and the browser may stop responding.
4. You can use any valid html coding inside document.write statement, as the output will be then processed by a html browser.

JavaScript Code Shown In Above Video:

 <title>Fibonacci Series</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var var1 = 0;
var var2 = 1;
var var3;
var num = prompt("Enter the limit to generate fibonacci no",0);
document.write(var1+"<br />");
document.write(var2+"<br />");
for(var i=3; i < = num;i++)
var3 = var1 + var2;
var1 = var2;
var2 = var3;
document.write(var3+"<br />");
// -->

In JavaScript:
Variable declaration is done using var keyword, followed by the variable name.
document.write is the output statement.
prompt is used to get the input from the user.

Even though the above program is easy, you may forget the logic when it is needed. So don’t forget to actually pullout a text editor and try it out yourself.