Lets write a C program to calculate area of a Rhombus using its side and a diagonal. We ask the user to input the value of side and a diagonal.
A Rhombus is a polygon having 4 equal sides in which both the opposite sides are parallel and opposite angles are equal.
First we calculate the value of second diagonal. Once we know the value of both the diagonals of the Rhombus, its easy and straightforward to calculate the area of Rhombus using the formula:
q = sqrt( (4 x side x side) – (p x p) );
p = sqrt( (4 x side x side) – (q x q) );
area = (p x q) / 2.0;
area = (p x q) x 0.5;
where p and q are diagonals of the Rhombus.
Expected Output for the Input
User Input:
Enter length of side of the Square
Area of the Square is 110.250000
Perimeter of the Square is 42.000000
Diagonal of the Square is 14.849242
Video Tutorial: C Program To Calculate Area of Rhombus
Source Code: C Program To Calculate Area of Rhombus
#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> int main() { float area, side, p, q; printf("Enter the length of side and a diagonal\n"); scanf("%f%f", &side, &p); q = sqrt( (4 * side * side) - (p * p) ); area = (p * q) * 0.5; printf("Area of the Rhombus is %f \n", area); return 0; }
Output 1:
Enter the length of side and a diagonal
Area of the Rhombus is 25.000000
Output 2:
Enter the length of side and a diagonal
Area of the Rhombus is 96.000000
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