C Program To Calculate Area of Rhombus

Lets write a C program to calculate area of a Rhombus using its side and a diagonal. We ask the user to input the value of side and a diagonal.

A Rhombus is a polygon having 4 equal sides in which both the opposite sides are parallel and opposite angles are equal.

area of rhombus

First we calculate the value of second diagonal. Once we know the value of both the diagonals of the Rhombus, its easy and straightforward to calculate the area of Rhombus using the formula:

q = sqrt( (4 x side x side) – (p x p) );
p = sqrt( (4 x side x side) – (q x q) );

area = (p x q) / 2.0;
area = (p x q) x 0.5;

where p and q are diagonals of the Rhombus.

Expected Output for the Input

User Input:
Enter length of side of the Square

Area of the Square is 110.250000
Perimeter of the Square is 42.000000
Diagonal of the Square is 14.849242

Video Tutorial: C Program To Calculate Area of Rhombus

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cw2rQWgmbvc [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

Source Code: C Program To Calculate Area of Rhombus


int main()
    float area, side, p, q;

    printf("Enter the length of side and a diagonal\n");
    scanf("%f%f", &side, &p);

    q    = sqrt( (4 * side * side) - (p * p) );
    area = (p * q) * 0.5;

    printf("Area of the Rhombus is %f \n", area);

    return 0;

Output 1:
Enter the length of side and a diagonal
Area of the Rhombus is 25.000000

Output 2:
Enter the length of side and a diagonal
Area of the Rhombus is 96.000000

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C Program To Calculate Perimeter, Diagonal of a Square using its Side

Lets write a C program to calculate area, perimeter and diagonal of a square by using length of its side. We ask the user to input the length of its side.

Related Read:
C Program To Calculate Area of a Square using its Side
C Program To Calculate Area of a Square using its Diagonal

Formula To Calculate Area, Perimeter and Diagonal of a Square using its side

diagonal = sqrt(2) x side;

area = ( diagonal x diagonal ) / 2.0
area = ( diagonal x diagonal ) * 0.5
area = side x side;

Perimeter = 4 x side;

Note: All the sides of a square are equal. Both the diagonals of the square are of equal length.

diagonal of square using its side

Expected Output for the Input

User Input:
Enter length of side of the Square

Area of the Square is 110.250000
Perimeter of the Square is 42.000000
Diagonal of the Square is 14.849242

Video Tutorial: C Program To Calculate Perimeter, Diagonal of a Square using its Side

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXO-lF-EbvA [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

Source Code: C Program To Calculate Perimeter, Diagonal of a Square using its Side

#include < stdio.h >
#include < math.h >

int main()
    float perimeter, diagonal, side, area;

    printf("Enter length of side of the Square\n");
    scanf("%f", &side);

    perimeter = 4 * side;
    diagonal  = sqrt(2) * side;
    area      = side * side;

    printf("Area of the Square is %f\n", area);
    printf("Perimeter of the Square is %f\n", perimeter);
    printf("Diagonal of the Square is %f\n", diagonal);

    return 0;

Output 1:
Enter length of side of the Square
Area of the Square is 100.000000
Perimeter of the Square is 40.000000
Diagonal of the Square is 14.142136

Output 2:
Enter length of side of the Square
Area of the Square is 25.000000
Perimeter of the Square is 20.000000
Diagonal of the Square is 7.071068

Output 3:
Enter length of side of the Square
Area of the Square is 148.839996
Perimeter of the Square is 48.799999
Diagonal of the Square is 17.253405

Output 4:
Enter length of side of the Square
Area of the Square is 110.250000
Perimeter of the Square is 42.000000
Diagonal of the Square is 14.849242

Output 5:
Enter length of side of the Square
Area of the Square is 10.240001
Perimeter of the Square is 12.800000
Diagonal of the Square is 4.525484

For list of all c programming interviews / viva question and answers visit: C Programming Interview / Viva Q&A List

For full C programming language free video tutorial list visit:C Programming: Beginner To Advance To Expert

C Program To Calculate Area of a Square using its Diagonal

Lets write a C program to find area of a square by using length of its diagonal. We ask the user to input the length of its diagonal.

Related Read:
C Program To Calculate Area of a Square using its Side

Formula To Calculate Area of Square using its diagonal

area = ( diagonal x diagonal ) / 2.0
area = ( diagonal x diagonal ) * 0.5

Note: All the sides of a square are equal. Both the diagonals of the square are of equal length.

area of square using its diagonal

Expected Output for the Input

User Input:
Enter length of diagonal of a Square

Area of the Square is 115.52

Video Tutorial: C Program To Calculate Area of a Square using its Diagonal

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TCCRv174iE [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

Source Code: C Program To Calculate Area of a Square using its Diagonal

#include < stdio.h >

int main()
    float area, diagonal;

    printf("Enter length of diagonal of a Square\n");
    scanf("%f", &diagonal);

    area = (diagonal * diagonal) * 0.5;

    printf("Area of the Square is %0.2f\n", area);

    return 0;

Output 1:
Enter length of diagonal of a Square
Area of the Square is 40.50

Output 2:
Enter length of diagonal of a Square
Area of the Square is 12.50

Output 3:
Enter length of diagonal of a Square
Area of the Square is 50.00

Output 4:
Enter length of diagonal of a Square
Area of the Square is 55.13

Output 5:
Enter length of diagonal of a Square
Area of the Square is 74.42

For list of all c programming interviews / viva question and answers visit: C Programming Interview / Viva Q&A List

For full C programming language free video tutorial list visit:C Programming: Beginner To Advance To Expert

C Program To Calculate Area of a Square using its Side

Lets write a C program to find area of a square by using length of its side. We ask the user to input the length of its side.

Formula To Calculate Area of Square using its side

area = side x side.

Note: All the sides of a square are equal.

Expected Output for the Input

User Input:
Enter the length of side of a square

Area of the Square is 25.00

Video Tutorial: C Program To Calculate Area of a Square using its Side

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-nCBIaMmYQ [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

Source Code: C Program To Calculate Area of a Square using its Side

#include < stdio.h >

int main()
    float area, side;

    printf("Enter the length of side of a square\n");
    scanf("%f", &side);

    area = side * side;

    printf("Area of the Square is %0.2f \n", area);

    return 0;

Output 1:
Enter the length of side of a square
Area of the Square is 9.00

Output 2:
Enter the length of side of a square
Area of the Square is 16.00

Output 3:
Enter the length of side of a square
Area of the Square is 25.00

Output 4:
Enter the length of side of a square
Area of the Square is 36.00

Output 5:
Enter the length of side of a square
Area of the Square is 64.00

For list of all c programming interviews / viva question and answers visit: C Programming Interview / Viva Q&A List

For full C programming language free video tutorial list visit:C Programming: Beginner To Advance To Expert

C Program To Draw Pyramid of Stars, using While Loop

Lets write a C program to draw / print / display a pyramid / triangle formed from stars, using while loop.

Related Read:
while loop in C programming
Nested While Loop: C Program

Expected Output for the Input

User Input:
Enter no of rows of Pyramid



Pyramid With 20 Rows
pyramid of stars

Video Tutorial: C Program To Draw Pyramid of Stars, using While Loop

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwLx0cELxY4 [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

Logic To Draw Pyramid of Stars, using While Loop

We ask the user to enter the maximum number of rows for the pyramid and store it inside the address of variable num. We declare and initialize a variable count to 1(indicating first row of the pyramid).

In the outer while loop we check if count is less than or equal to num. For each iteration of the while loop we increment the value of count by 1. So the count value will have the row number i.e., for each iteration of the outer while loop we select row one by one (to print the stars).

Inside first inner while loop we print the adequate number of space for each row. Inside the second inner while loop we actually print the stars needed for each row.

At the end the result will be a pyramid with the number of rows as input by the user.

Source Code: C Program To Draw Pyramid of Stars, using While Loop


int main()
    int num, count = 1, i;

    printf("Enter no of rows of Pyramid\n");
    scanf("%d", &num);

    while(count <= num)
        i = 0;
        while( i <= (num - count) )
            printf(" ");

        i = 0;
        while(i < (2*count-1))


    return 0;

Output 1:
Enter no of rows of Pyramid


For list of all c programming interviews / viva question and answers visit: C Programming Interview / Viva Q&A List

For full C programming language free video tutorial list visit:C Programming: Beginner To Advance To Expert