Multiplication of 2 Numbers: C

In this video tutorial you can learn the procedure followed in C programming to multiply two numbers.

Related Read:

#include < stdio.h >

int main()
    int a, b, c;

    printf("Enter 2 numbers for multiplication\n");
    scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);

    c = a * b;

    printf("Multiplication of %d and %d is %d\n", a, b, c);

    return 0;

Enter 2 numbers for multiplication
Multiplication of 25 and 5 is 125

You can write same program without using third variable to calculate multiplication of 2 numbers, as below:

#include < stdio.h >

int main()
    int a, b;

    printf("Enter 2 numbers for multiplication\n");
    scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);

    printf("Multiplication of %d and %d is %d\n", a, b, (a*b));

    return 0;

Enter 2 numbers for multiplication
Multiplication of 25 and 5 is 125

Note: Instead of int you can take float variables too. That would help in taking both integer as well as real values from the user as input.

Scanf(): For user input

In above c program we are asking user to enter the values for variable a and b. You can know more about scanf() method/function in this video tutorial: Using Scanf in C Program

Multiplication of Two Numbers: C Programming

YouTube Link: [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

This video was produced as building block for our simple calculator application.

For full C programming language free video tutorial list visit:C Programming: Beginner To Advance To Expert

Subtraction of 2 Numbers: C

In this video tutorial you can learn the procedure followed in C programming to subtract two numbers.

Related Read:

#include < stdio.h >

int main()
    int a, b, c;

    printf("Enter value of a and b\n");
    scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);

    c = a - b;
    printf("Subtraction of %d and %d is %d\n", a, b, c);

    return 0;

Enter value of a and b
Subtraction of 30 and 20 is 10

You can write same program without using third variable to calculate subtraction of 2 numbers, as below:

#include < stdio.h >

int main()
    int a, b;

    printf("Enter value of a and b\n");
    scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);

    printf("Subtraction of %d and %d is %d\n", a, b, (a+b));

    return 0;

Enter value of a and b
Subtraction of 30 and 20 is 10

Note: Instead of int you can take float variables too. That would help in taking both integer as well as real values from the user as input.

Scanf(): For user input

In above c program we are asking user to enter the values for variable a and b. You can know more about scanf() method/function in this video tutorial: Using Scanf in C Program

Subtraction of Two Numbers: C Programming

YouTube Link: [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

This video was produced as building block for our simple calculator application.

For full C programming language free video tutorial list visit:C Programming: Beginner To Advance To Expert

Addition of 2 Numbers: C

In this video tutorial you can learn the procedure followed in C programming to add two numbers.

Related Read:

#include < stdio.h >

int main()
    int a, b, c;

    printf("Enter value of a and b\n");
    scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);

    c = a + b;
    printf("Addition of %d and %d is %d\n", a, b, c);

    return 0;

Enter value of a and b
Addition of 30 and 20 is 50

You can write same program without using third variable to calculate addition of 2 numbers, as below:

#include < stdio.h >

int main()
    int a, b;

    printf("Enter value of a and b\n");
    scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);

    printf("Addition of %d and %d is %d\n", a, b, (a+b));

    return 0;

Enter value of a and b
Addition of 30 and 20 is 50

Note: Instead of int you can take float variables too. That would help in taking both integer as well as real values from the user as input.

Scanf(): For user input

In above c program we are asking user to enter the values for variable a and b. You can know more about scanf() method/function in this video tutorial: Using Scanf in C Program

Addition of Two Numbers: C Programming

YouTube Link: [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

This video was produced as building block for our simple calculator application.

For full C programming language free video tutorial list visit:C Programming: Beginner To Advance To Expert

C Program to Calculate the Compound Interest

In this video tutorial lets learn how we can calculate Compound Interest by making use of simple arithmetic operations.

#include < stdio.h >
#include < math.h >

int main()
    int p, t;
    float r, ci;

    printf("Enter principal amount\n");
    scanf("%d", &p);

    printf("Enter rate of interest\n");
    scanf("%f", &r);

    printf("Enter time period\n");
    scanf("%d", &t);

    ci = p * pow( (1 + r / 100), t );

    printf("Compound Interest is %f\n", ci);

    return 0;

Enter principal amount
Enter rate of interest
Enter time period
Compound Interest is 1277.289185

Note: Since we’re using pow() method, we need to include math.h library file.

Scanf(): For user input

In above c program we are asking user to enter the values for variable a and b. You can know more about scanf() method/function in this video tutorial: Using Scanf in C Program

C Program to Calculate the Compound Interest

YouTube Link: [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

In this program we take input for Principal amount, rate of interest and time period from the user, and then calculate Compound Interest for those values.

Compound Interest Logic

We make use of arithmetic operations available in C programming language and convert this formula to calculate Compound Interest.

Compound_Interest = Principal_amount * pow( (1 + r / 100), t );

This gives us Compound Interest and we output the result to the console.

Formula for calculating Compound Interest

p – Principal amount.
r – Rate of interest.
t – Time period.
ci – Compound Interest.

Yearly Compound Interest Formula
Compound_Interest = Principal_amount * pow( (1 + r / 100), t );

Half-Yearly Compound Interest Formula
Compound_Interest = Principal_amount * pow( (1 + (r/2) / 100), 2 * t );

Quarterly Compound Interest Formula
Compound_Interest = Principal_amount * pow( (1 + (r/4) / 100), 4 * t );

Monthly Compound Interest Formula
Compound_Interest = Principal_amount * pow( (1 + (r/12) / 100), 12 * t );

For full C programming language free video tutorial list visit:C Programming: Beginner To Advance To Expert

C Program to Calculate the Simple Interest

In this video tutorial lets learn how we can calculate Simple Interest by making use of simple arithmetic operations.


int main()
    int p, t;
    float r, si;

    printf("Enter principal amount\n");
    scanf("%d", &p);

    printf("Enter Rate of interest\n");
    scanf("%f", &r);

    printf("Enter time period\n");
    scanf("%d", &t);

    si = (p * t * r) / 100.0;

    printf("Simple Interest is %f\n", si);

    return 0;

Enter principal amount
Enter Rate of interest
Enter time period
Simple Interest is 280.000000

Scanf(): For user input

In above c program we are asking user to enter the values for variable a and b. You can know more about scanf() method/function in this video tutorial: Using Scanf in C Program

C Program to Calculate the Simple Interest

YouTube Link: [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

In this program we take input for Principal amount, rate of interest and time period from the user, and then calculate Simple Interest for those values.

Simple Interest Logic

We make use of arithmetic operations available in C programming language and convert this formula to calculate Simple Interest.

Simple_Interest = ( Principal_amount * Rate_of_interest * Time) / 100.0;

This gives us Simple Interest and we output the result to the console.

For full C programming language free video tutorial list visit:C Programming: Beginner To Advance To Expert