Print All Trigonometric Ratios: C Program

If value of an angle is input through the keyboard, write a c program to print all its Trigonometric Ratios.

Formula To Convert Degree To Radian

radian = degree * (PI / 180.0);
where PI = 3.14159; (constant value)

Logic to Print all Trigonometric Ratios

First we ask the user to input angle of a Triangle in degrees. Next we convert angel from degrees to radian.

Next we include math.h header file and use methods present in it to get:

To get cosec() = 1 / sin();
To get sec() = 1 / cos();
To get cot() = 1 / tan();

tan() value can also be obtained using sin() / cos();
cot() value can also be obtained using cos() / sin();

Source Code: Print All Trigonometric Ratios: C Program

#include < stdio.h >
#include < math.h >

int main()
    float degree, radian;
    const float PI = 3.14159;

    printf("Enter angle in degree\n");
    scanf("%f", °ree);

    radian = degree * (PI / 180.0);

    printf("Sin(%f) = %f\n", degree, sin(radian));
    printf("Cos(%f) = %f\n", degree, cos(radian));
    printf("Tan(%f) = %f\n", degree, tan(radian));
    printf("Cosec(%f) = %f\n", degree, 1/sin(radian));
    printf("Sec(%f) = %f\n", degree, 1/cos(radian));
    printf("Cot(%f) = %f\n", degree, 1/tan(radian));

    return 0;

Output 1
Enter angle in degree
Sin(30.000000) = 0.500000
Cos(30.000000) = 0.866026
Tan(30.000000) = 0.577350
Cosec(30.000000) = 2.000001
Sec(30.000000) = 1.154700
Cot(30.000000) = 1.732052

Output 2
Enter angle in degree
Sin(45.000000) = 0.707106
Cos(45.000000) = 0.707107
Tan(45.000000) = 0.999999
Cosec(45.000000) = 1.414214
Sec(45.000000) = 1.414213
Cot(45.000000) = 1.000001

Print All Trigonometric Ratios: C Program

YouTube Link: [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

Tan and Cot

    printf("Tan(%f) = %f\n", degree, sin(radian)/cos(radian));
    printf("Cot(%f) = %f\n", degree, cos(radian)/sin(radian));


    printf("Tan(%f) = %f\n", degree, tan(radian));
    printf("Cot(%f) = %f\n", degree, 1/tan(radian));

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