Positive or Negative or Zero Using Ternary Operator: C Program

C Program to check whether the user entered integer number is positive, negative or zero using ternary operator or Conditional operator.

Related Read:
Number is Positive or Negative or Zero: C Program

Check Whether Number Is Positive or Negative or Zero Using Ternary Operator: C Program

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYenZ8rYK8g [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

Any number greater than 0 is positive.
Any number less than 0 is negative.

Check Whether Number is Positive or Negative or Zero: C Program

#include < stdio.h >

int main()
    int a;

    printf("Enter an integer number\n");
    scanf("%d", &a);

    (a > 0) ?
    (printf("%d is positive\n", a)) :
    ( (a < 0) ?
      (printf("%d is Negative\n", a)) :
      (printf("%d is Zero\n", a))  

    return 0;

Output 1:
Enter an integer number
15 is positive

Output 2:
Enter an integer number
-2 is negative

Output 3:
Enter an integer number
0 is zero

In above C source code, we are using nested ternary / conditional operator. First we check if a is greater than 0, if its true then the user entered number is positive. If its false, then we check if a is less than 0 using nested ternary / conditional operator. If that is true, then a is negative, else the user entered number is 0.

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