C Program To Check Leap Year Using Ternary Operator

C Program to Find if a given Year is a Leap Year or Not, using Ternary Operator.

Related Read:
Ternary Operator / Conditional Operator In C
C Program To Check Leap Year

General Form of Ternary Operator

(expression_1) ? (expression_2) : (expression_3);

expression_1 is a comparison/conditional argument. expression_2 is executed/returned if expression_1 results in true, expression_3 gets executed/returned if expression_1 is false.

We are illustrating the use of multiple nested ternary operator in this program. We have a nested ternary operator in place of expression2 as well as expression3.

Leap Year Logic

Leap Year
1. If a year is a century year(years ending with 00) and if it’s perfectly divisible by 400, then it’s a leap year.
2. If the given year is not a century year and it’s perfectly divisible by 4, then it’s a leap year.

Not Leap Year
1. If the year entered is a century year(perfectly divisible by 100), but not perfectly divisible by 400. Then it’s not a leap year.
2. A year which is not a century year and is not perfectly divisible by 4 is not a leap year.

C Program To Check Leap Year Using Nested Ternary Operator

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8k0nI5HxnM [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

In this video tutorial we illustrate the use of multiple nested ternary operator / conditional operator inside a ternary operator.

First we check if given year is perfectly divisible by 100. If its true, then the entered year is a century year(year ending with 00). If the year is also perfectly divisible by 400, then its leap year, if not, its not a leap year.

If the user entered year is not a century year, then we check if the year is perfectly divisible by 4. If yes, then its a leap year, if not, then its not a leap year.

Check Leap Year Using Ternary Operator: C Program

#include < stdio.h >

int main()
    int year;

    printf("Enter the year\n");
    scanf("%d", &year);

    (year % 100 == 0) ?
    ( (year % 400 == 0)?
      (printf("%d is leap year\n", year)):
      (printf("%d is not leap year\n", year))
    ) :
    ( (year % 4 == 0)?
      (printf("%d is leap year\n", year)):
      (printf("%d is not leap year\n", year))

    return 0;

Output 1:
Enter the year
2019 is not leap year!

Output 2:
Enter the year
2004 is leap year!

Output 3:
Enter the year
2024 is leap year!

List of some leap years


You can run the program and input any of the above leap year and check for the output.

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