Positive or Negative or Zero Using Ternary Operator: C Program

C Program to check whether the user entered integer number is positive, negative or zero using ternary operator or Conditional operator.

Related Read:
Number is Positive or Negative or Zero: C Program

Check Whether Number Is Positive or Negative or Zero Using Ternary Operator: C Program

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYenZ8rYK8g]

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYenZ8rYK8g [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

Any number greater than 0 is positive.
Any number less than 0 is negative.

Check Whether Number is Positive or Negative or Zero: C Program

#include < stdio.h >

int main()
    int a;

    printf("Enter an integer number\n");
    scanf("%d", &a);

    (a > 0) ?
    (printf("%d is positive\n", a)) :
    ( (a < 0) ?
      (printf("%d is Negative\n", a)) :
      (printf("%d is Zero\n", a))  

    return 0;

Output 1:
Enter an integer number
15 is positive

Output 2:
Enter an integer number
-2 is negative

Output 3:
Enter an integer number
0 is zero

In above C source code, we are using nested ternary / conditional operator. First we check if a is greater than 0, if its true then the user entered number is positive. If its false, then we check if a is less than 0 using nested ternary / conditional operator. If that is true, then a is negative, else the user entered number is 0.

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Even or Odd Number using Ternary Operator and without using Modular Division: C Program

Today lets write a C program to check whether a user entered integer number is EVEN or ODD, without using modular division(%) operator and by using Ternary Operator / Conditional Operator.

Related Read:
Even or Odd Number without using Modular Division: C Program
Ternary Operator / Conditional Operator In C

Please visit the links I’ve posted above without fail before watching the video posted below.

Even or Odd Number: Source Code

#include < stdio.h >

int main()
    int n;

    printf("Enter a integer number\n");
    scanf("%d", &n);

    ( (n/2)*2 == n ) ?
    (printf("%d is Even\n", n)) :
    (printf("%d is Odd\n", n));

    return 0;

Output 1:
Enter a integer number
10 is Even

Output 2:
Enter a integer number
5 is Odd

Even or Odd Number using Ternary Operator and without using Modular Division: C Program

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-AoNsgYJQ4]

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-AoNsgYJQ4 [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

Note: Division of an integer number by 2(which is also an integer number) always returns integer number.

Example 1:
If user enters n = 2;
Applying n = 2 to ( (n/2)*2 == n ).
( (2/2)*2 == 2 )
( (1)*2 == 2 )
( 2 == 2 ) // true

So user entered value, that is, 2 is even number.

Example 2:
If user enters n = 3;
Applying n = 3 to ( (n/2)*2 == n ).
( (3/2)*2 == 3 )
( (1)*2 == 3 )
( 2 == 3 ) // false

2 is not equal to 3. So user entered value, that is, 3 is odd number.
In above example, 3/2 gives back 1 and not 1.5 as 3 is divided by integer which returns only the integer part and discards the decimal part.

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Even or Odd Number using Ternary Operator: C Program

Today lets write a C program to check whether a user entered integer number is EVEN or ODD, using Ternary / Conditional Operator.

Related Read:
Basic Arithmetic Operations In C
Relational Operators In C

Ternary Operator / Conditional Operator In C

Even or Odd Number: C Program

Even or Odd Number without using Modular Division: C Program

An even number is an integer that is exactly divisible by 2. An odd number is an integer that is not exactly divisible by 2.

C program To check Even or Odd Number using Ternary Operator

#include < stdio.h >

int main()
    int n;

    printf("Enter an integer number\n");
    scanf("%d", &n);

    (n % 2 == 0) ?
    (printf("%d is Even number\n", n)) :
    (printf("%d is Odd  number\n", n));

    return 0;

Output 1
Enter an integer number
2 is even number

Output 2
Enter an integer number
3 is odd number

Output 3
Enter an integer number
7 is odd number

Output 4
Enter an integer number
12 is even number

General Form of Ternary Operator

(expression_1) ? (expression_2) : (expression_3);

expression_1 is a comparison/conditional argument. expression_2 is executed/returned if expression_1 results in true, expression_3 gets executed/returned if expression_1 is false.

Even or Odd Number using Ternary Operator: C Program

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMT53s8bhzQ]

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMT53s8bhzQ [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

Modular division returns remainder of division. For example, 12 / 2 = 6. But 12 % 2 = 0.

In above c program, we ask the user to input an integer value and store it in variable n. Next using if else condition, we check if the user entered number is perfectly divisible by 2. If its perfectly divisible by 2, then it’e even number or else its odd number.

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Biggest of 3 Numbers Using Ternary Operator: C

Lets find biggest of 3 numbers using ternary operator / conditional operator. This program is an example for nested ternary operator.

Related Read:
Ternary Operator / Conditional Operator In C
Logical Operators In C

To find biggest of Three numbers using if-else control structure:
Biggest of 3 Numbers: C

Source Code: Biggest of Three Numbers using ternary operator: C

#include < stdio.h >

int main()
    int a, b, c, big;

    printf("Enter 3 numbers\n");
    scanf("%d%d%d", &a, &b, &c);

    big = (a>b && a>c) ? (a) : ( (b>c)?(b):(c) );

    printf("Biggest is %d\n", big);

    return 0;

Output 1:
Enter 3 numbers
Biggest is 3

Output 2:
Enter 3 numbers
Biggest is 3

Output 1:
Enter 3 numbers
Biggest is 3

In above source code, if a is bigger than b as well as c, then value of a is returned and stored in variable big orelse exression3 gets executed – where we check if b is greater than c.

General Form of Ternary Operator

(expression_1) ? (expression_2) : (expression_3);

expression_1 is a comparison/conditional argument. expression_2 is executed/returned if expression_1 results in true, expression_3 gets executed/returned if expression_1 is false.

Nested Ternary Operator

In our source code, we nest Ternary Operator inside expression3 to find biggest among b and c.

if ( a > b && a > c ) is true, then value of a will be stored in variable big; else ( b > c ? b : c ) will be evaluated. Here, if value of b is greater than c, value of b will be stored in variable big else value of c will be stored in the variable big.

Biggest of 3 Numbers Using Ternary Operator: C Program

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEyCWg_pMAA]

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEyCWg_pMAA [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

For list of all c programming interviews / viva question and answers visit: C Programming Interview / Viva Q&A List

For full C programming language free video tutorial list visit:C Programming: Beginner To Advance To Expert

Biggest of Two Numbers Using Ternary Operator: C

Lets find biggest of 2 numbers using ternary operator / conditional operator.

Related Read:
Ternary Operator / Conditional Operator In C

To find biggest of Two numbers using if-else control structure:
Biggest of Two Numbers: C

Source Code: Biggest of Two Numbers using ternary operator: C

#include < stdio.h >

int main()
    int a, b, big;

    printf("Enter 2 numbers\n");
    scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);

    (a > b) ? (big = a) : (big = b);

    printf("Biggest of %d and %d is %d\n", a, b, big);

    return 0;

Output 1:
Enter 2 numbers
Biggest of 5 and 6 is 6

Output 2:
Enter 2 numbers
Biggest of 40 and 15 is 40

#include < stdio.h >

int main()
    int a, b, big;

    printf("Enter 2 numbers\n");
    scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);

    big = (a > b) ? (a) : (b);

    printf("Biggest of %d and %d is %d\n", a, b, big);

    return 0;

Output 1:
Enter 2 numbers
Biggest of 500 and 900 is 900

In above source code, if a is bigger than b, then value of a is returned and stored in variable big orelse value of variable b is stored in variable big.

General Form of Ternary Operator

(expression_1) ? (expression_2) : (expression_3);

expression_1 is a comparison/conditional argument. expression_2 is executed/returned if expression_1 results in true, expression_3 gets executed/returned if expression_1 is false.

Biggest of 2 Numbers Using Ternary Operator: C

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB11OWMyiR8]

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB11OWMyiR8 [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

For list of all c programming interviews / viva question and answers visit: C Programming Interview / Viva Q&A List

For full C programming language free video tutorial list visit:C Programming: Beginner To Advance To Expert