
  • C

C Program To Find Prime Number or Not using For Loop

Lets write a C program to check whether user input number is prime number or not, using for loop. Prime…

5 years ago
  • C

C Program To Calculate Surface Area of Cone

Given the values for radius and height of a Cone, write a C program to calculate Surface Area of the…

5 years ago
  • C

C Program To Check If Point Lies Inside, Outside or On The Circle

Given the coordinates(cx, cy) of center of a circle and its radius, write a C program that will determine whether…

5 years ago
  • C

C Program To Calculate Area of Rhombus

Lets write a C program to calculate area of a Rhombus using its side and a diagonal. We ask the…

5 years ago
  • C

C Program To Find Prime Numbers Between Two Intervals, using While Loop

Lets write a C program to find and print/display all the prime numbers between 2 integer values input by the…

5 years ago