If cost price and selling price of an item are input through the keyboard, write a C program to determine whether the seller has made profit or incurred loss. Also determine how much profit he made or loss he incurred.
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Cost Price: is the price paid by the seller for the product or the manufacturing cost of the product.
Selling Price: is the price seller sold the product for.
Formula To Calculate Profit
profit = (selling_price – cost_price);
Formula To Calculate Loss
loss = (cost_price – selling_price);
Expected Output for the Input
User Input:
Enter the cost price of the product
Enter the selling price of the product
Your profit is 500
Video Tutorial: C Program To Calculate Profit or Loss
Source Code: C Program To Calculate Profit or Loss
#include < stdio.h > int main() { int cp, sp; printf("Enter the cost price of the product\n"); scanf("%d", &cp); printf("Enter the selling price of the product\n"); scanf("%d", &sp); if(sp > cp) { printf("Your profit is %d\n", (sp-cp)); } else if(cp > sp) { printf("Loss Incurred is %d\n", (cp-sp)); } else { printf("Neither profit, nor loss\n"); } return 0; }
Output 1:
Enter the cost price of the product
Enter the selling price of the product
Your profit is 500
Output 2:
Enter the cost price of the product
Enter the selling price of the product
Loss Incurred is 500
Output 3:
Enter the cost price of the product
Enter the selling price of the product
Neither profit, nor loss
Logic To Calculate Profit or Loss
We ask the user to enter cost price as well as selling price. If selling price is more than cost price, then the seller is in profit. If the cost price is more than selling price, then the seller incurred loss.
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