In digital world colors are specified in Red-Green-Blue (RGB) format, with values of R, G, B varying on an integer scale from 0 to 255. In print publishing the colors are mentioned in Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black (CMYK) format, with values of C, M, Y and K varying on a real scale from 0.0 to 1.0. Write a C program that converts RGB color to CMYK color as per the following formulae:
White = Max(Red/255, Green/255, Blue/255);
Cyan = (White – Red/255) / White;
Magenta = (White – Green/255) / White;
Yellow = ( White – Blue/255) / White;
Black = 1-White
Note that if the RGB values are all 0, then the CMY values are all 0 and the K value is 1.
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Expected Output for the Input
User Input:
Enter values for Red, Green and Blue(RGB) in Range 0 – 255
CMYK = (0.000000, 0.658537, 0.000000, 0.839216)
Video Tutorial: C Program To Convert (R, G, B) To (C, M, Y, K) Color Format
Source Code: C Program To Convert (R, G, B) To (C, M, Y, K) Color Format
#include < stdio.h > int main() { float red, green, blue; float white, cyan, magenta, yellow, black; float max; printf("Enter values for Red, Green and Blue(RGB) in Range 0 - 255\n"); scanf("%f%f%f", &red, &green, &blue); if(red == 0 && green == 0 && blue == 0) { cyan = magenta = yellow = 0; black = 1; black = 1; } else { red = red / 255; green = green / 255; blue = blue / 255; max = red; if(green > max) { max = green; } if(blue > max) { max = blue; } white = max; cyan = (white - red) / white; magenta = (white - green)/ white; yellow = (white - blue) / white; black = 1 - white; } printf("CMYK = (%f, %f, %f, %f)\n", cyan, magenta, yellow, black); return 0; }
Output 1:
Enter values for Red, Green and Blue(RGB) in Range 0 – 255
CMYK = (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
Output 2:
Enter values for Red, Green and Blue(RGB) in Range 0 – 255
CMYK = (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000)
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