In this video lets see how we can have multiple line of code inside macro expansion, by using preprocessor operator – macro continuation( \ ).
Where Is It Used?
While you’re writing complex logic inside macro expansion, you’ll need to break the line and write code in next line. In such cases macro continuation operator is very helpful. And the code looks much cleaner and clearer.
Video Tutorial: Macro Continuation (\) Preprocessor Operator: C Program
#define COMPANY(x) switch(x) { \
case 1: printf("1. Oracle\n"); break; \
case 2: printf("2. IBM\n"); break; \
case 3: printf("3. Ripple\n"); break; \
default: printf("default. Banks\n"); \
int main()
return 0;
Output: 3. Ripple 2. IBM default. Banks
Here we’ve multiple lines of code inside macro expansion. So at the end of each line we’ve written macro continuation symbol ( \ – backslash). Wherever you write the macro template, preprocessor will replace it with the macro expansion before execution.
printf("Circumference of Circle is %f\n", (2 * PI * r) );
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846
#define AREA
void area_circle(float r);
void circumference_circle(float r);
int main()
float r;
printf("Enter radius of Circle\n");
scanf("%f", &r);
#if defined(AREA)
#elif defined(CIRCUM)
printf("Code To Be Implemented\n");
#endif // defined
return 0;
void area_circle(float r)
printf("Area of Circle is %f\n", (PI * r * r) );
void circumference_circle(float r)
printf("Circumference of Circle is %f\n", (2 * PI * r) );
Output: Enter radius of Circle 5 Area of Circle is 78.539816
In above source code AREA macro template or macro name is defined. So defined(AREA) returns true in #if condition. Hence the code inside #if block gets compiled and executed.
printf("Circumference of Circle is %f\n", (2 * PI * r) );
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846
#define CIRCUM
void area_circle(float r);
void circumference_circle(float r);
int main()
float r;
printf("Enter radius of Circle\n");
scanf("%f", &r);
#if defined(AREA)
#elif defined(CIRCUM)
printf("Code To Be Implemented\n");
#endif // defined
return 0;
void area_circle(float r)
printf("Area of Circle is %f\n", (PI * r * r) );
void circumference_circle(float r)
printf("Circumference of Circle is %f\n", (2 * PI * r) );
Output: Enter radius of Circle 5 Circumference of Circle is 31.415927
Here macro name AREA is not defined, hence code inside #if gets skipped. Whereas macro CIRCUM is defined, so the code inside #elif gets compiled and executed.
If neither AREA and nor CIRCUM is defined, then code inside #else block gets compiled and executed.