Write a C program to receive Polar co-ordinates(r, θ) and convert them into Cartesian co-ordinates(x, y). Ask the user to enter theta(θ) value in degrees.
Related Read:
C Program To Convert Cartesian To Polar Co-ordinates
Formula To Convert Polar To Cartesian Co-ordinates
x = r * cos(θ);
y = r * sin(θ);
where x and y are Cartesian co-ordinates. r and θ are polar co-ordinates.
Formula To Convert Degree To Radian
radian = degree * (PI/180.0);
where PI is 3.141592
Source Code: Convert Polar To Cartesian Co-ordinates: C Program
- #include < stdio.h >
- #include < math.h >
- int main()
- {
- float x, y, r, theta;
- const float PI = 3.141592;
- printf("Enter Polar Co-ordinates(r, theta)\n");
- scanf("%f%f", &r, &theta);
- /* Convert angle from Degree To Radian */ theta = theta * (PI / 180.0);
- x = r * cos(theta);
- y = r * sin(theta);
- printf("Cartesian Co-ordinates (x, y) = (%f, %f)\n", x, y);
- return 0;
- }
Enter Polar Co-ordinates(r, theta)
Cartesian Co-ordinates (x, y) = (3.005938, 4.008047)
Convert Polar To Cartesian Co-ordinates: C Program
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