
  • C

C Program To Find First and Second Biggest Element In An Array using Recursion

Lets write a C program to find first and second biggest element/number in an array, without sorting it, and by…

4 years ago
  • C

C Program To Find Smallest Element in An Array using Pointers

Write a c program using pointers to find the smallest number in an array of 25 integers. Pointers: A pointer…

4 years ago
  • C

C Program To Find Smallest Element in An Array using Recursion

Write a C program to find smallest element / number in an array using pointers and recursion. We have covered…

4 years ago
  • C

C Program To Find Biggest Element of An Array using Recursion

Write a C program to find biggest element / number in an array using pointers and recursion. We have covered…

4 years ago
  • C

C Programming: Arrays, Pointers and Functions

In today's video tutorial lets learn more about arrays and pointers, and how we can use them with functions. Note:…

4 years ago