Write a C program to find the grace marks for a student using switch. The user should enter the class obtained by the student and the number of subjects he has failed in. Use the following logic:
– If the student gets first class and the number of subjects he failed in is greater than 3, then he does not get any grace. Otherwise the grace is of 5 marks per subject.
– If the student gets second class and the number of subjects he failed in is greater than 2, then he does not get any grace. Otherwise the grace is of 4 marks per subject.
– If the student gets third class and the number of subjects he failed in is greater than 1, then he does not get any grace. Otherwise the grace is of 5 marks per subject.
A certain grade of steel is graded according to the following conditions:
1. Hardness must be greater than 50. 2. Carbon content must be less than 0.7 3. Tensile strength must be greater than 5600
The grades are as follows:
Grade is 10, if all three conditions are met. Grade is 9, if conditions 1 and 2 are met. Grade is 8, if conditions 2 and 3 are met. Grade is 7, if conditions 1 and 3 are met. Grade is 6, if only one condition is met. Grade is 5, if none of the conditions are met.
Write a C program, which will require the user to give values of hardness, carbon content and tensile strength of the steel under consideration and output the grade of the steel.
Note: Tensile strength is the maximum stress that a material can withstand while being stretched or pulled before breaking.
Output 1: Enter values of hardness, tensile Strength and Carbon Content in Steel 60 6000 0.5 Steel Grade is 10
Output 2: Enter values of hardness, tensile Strength and Carbon Content in Steel 80 5000 0.5 Steel Grade is 9
Output 3: Enter values of hardness, tensile Strength and Carbon Content in Steel 40 6000 0.5 Steel Grade is 8
Output 4: Enter values of hardness, tensile Strength and Carbon Content in Steel 60 8000 0.8 Steel Grade is 7
Output 5: Enter values of hardness, tensile Strength and Carbon Content in Steel 51 5000 0.8 Steel Grade is 6
Output 6: Enter values of hardness, tensile Strength and Carbon Content in Steel 41 5000 0.8 Steel Grade is 5
Update To The Program
If we input: Hardness: 50 Tensile Strength: 5600 Carbon Content: 0.7
Output will be: Steel Grade is 6.
If you check with Grade 6 condition inside if condition: ( hardness > 50 || carbon < 0.7 || ts > 5600 ) None of the condition is true. Condition for Grade 6 is: Grade is 6, if only one condition is met.
So our output is wrong. But why is it showing wrong result?
int main()
float x = 0.7;
printf("%d\n", sizeof(x));
printf("%d\n", sizeof(0.7));
printf("%d\n", sizeof(0.7f));
return 0;
Output: 4 8 4
As we can clearly see 0.7 is treated as double. We can typecase it using 0.7f. So in our steel program, variable declaration(float carbon) and comparison with 0.7(which is double) is causing the bug.
With this knowledge we can rewrite our program as follows:
In this program we’ll show you nesting of if else statements. Here we are illustrating the concept by taking score/marks of 5 subject from the user. Then we calculate the percentage of it and display grade to the user.
Simple Logic
When the condition in if statement is false then only else block gets executed. In our program, we check, if percentage is greater than or equal to 60. If it is false, then only control shifts to else block. So inside else(nested if else) we need not once again check if the percentage is less than 60.
Note: We are not using else if and logical operator in this C program purposefully. We want to show nesting of if else in this program.