
  • C

Calculate Sum and Average of N Numbers using Arrays: C Program

Lets write a C program to calculate Sum and Average of N numbers using Arrays and using macros and for…

4 years ago
  • C

Using Macros Find Area and Perimeter of Triangle, Square, Circle: C Program

Problem State: Write macro definitions with arguments for calculation of area and perimeter of a triangle, a square and a…

5 years ago
  • C

C Program To Calculate Area of a Triangle using Pointers

Lets write a C program to calculate area of a Triangle when their sides are input by the user. Lets…

5 years ago
  • C

C Program To Calculate Amount In Compound Interest

When interest compounds q times per year at an annual rate of r % for n years, the principal p…

5 years ago
  • C

C Program To Calculate Approximate Level of Intelligence of a Person

According to a study, the approximate level of intelligence of a person can be calculated using the following formula: i…

5 years ago