Conditional Compilation In C: #ifndef #else #endif

In this video tutorial lets learn about preprocessor command or directives like #ifndef, #else and #endif. These directives are used for conditional compilation. #ifndef works completely opposite to #ifdef

Related Read:
Conditional Compilation In C: #ifdef #else #endif

How Does #ifndef Work?

The block of code between #ifndef and #endif works only if the macro name is NOT defined. If the macro name is defined, the compiler will skip the entire block of code inside #ifndef from compiling.

When To Use #ifndef

We’ve explained this in detail for video tutorial: Conditional Compilation In C: #ifdef #else #endif It holds good for this video tutorial too.

Video Tutorial: Conditional Compilation In C: #ifndef #else #endif

YouTube Link: [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

Source Code: Conditional Compilation In C: #ifndef #else #endif

  1. #include<stdio.h>  
  3. #define iOS  
  5. int main()  
  6. {  
  7.     #ifndef iOS  
  8.         printf("I Love Apple Devices\n");  
  9.     #else  
  10.         printf("Code for Non Apple Devices\n");  
  11.     #endif // iOS  
  13.     return 0;  
  14. }  

Code for Non Apple Devices

  1. #include<stdio.h>  
  4. int main()  
  5. {  
  6.     #ifndef iOS  
  7.         printf("I Love Apple Devices\n");  
  8.     #else  
  9.         printf("Code for Non Apple Devices\n");  
  10.     #endif // iOS  
  12.     return 0;  
  13. }  

I Love Apple Devices

In above programs, if iOS macro name is defined, then the set of code present inside #else block gets compiled and executed. If macro name iOS is not defined, then the code inside #ifndef block gets compiled and executed.


1. Using #else is optional. You can just use #ifndef and #endif.

2. Working of #ifndef is opposite to that of #ifdef.

3. This is similar to if else condition, but here the block of code which do not match the criteria doesn’t even get compiled. It’s treated like regular comments.

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Conditional Compilation In C: #if #elif #else #endif

In this video tutorial lets learn about preprocessor command or directives like #if, #elif, #else and #endif. These directives are used in conditional compilation.

Related Read:
Logical Operators In C
Conditional Compilation In C: #ifdef #else #endif

How Does #if and #elif Work?

The block of code inside #if block works only if the condition or the expression in resolved to non-zero number. If the expression is resolved to zero, then the code inside #if is skipped from compilation.

Same is true for #elif: If the condition or the expression is resolved to 0 then the code inside #elif block is skipped from compilation. If it’s resolved to non-zero number then the block of code inside #elif gets compiled and executed.

#else is optional and when used, it should be present only once between #if and #endif, and it should be present at the end(just before the #endif directive). If none of the conditions in #if and #elif match, then the code inside #else directive block gets executed.

#elif is also optional. But it can be used any number of times inside #if and #endif. But it should always be written after #if and not before it. It should be present before #else and not after #else directive.

Note: We can have nested #if #elif #else #endif inside #if and/or #elif and/or #else block. Nesting can go any number or depth.
But remember to have #endif for every #if.

Video Tutorial: Conditional Compilation In C: #if #elif #else #endif

YouTube Link: [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

When To Use #if, #elif, #else and #endif?

1. When you want certain code to be skipped: #if or #elif or #else part of the code is compiled and executed only when the conditions are met.

2. To write portable code: Again, like that of in #ifdef and #else, we could write portable code. That is, we can write code for specific devices in #if, #elif and #else part and the compiler compiles the code specific to that device. All other code will be treated as comments.

3. Saving memory and file size: We could use it in big projects. We could include device specific files inside #if, #elif and #else blocks depending upon the condition. This way we could avoid including or importing all the files into our source code.

  1. #include<stdio.h>  
  3. int main()  
  4. {  
  5.     #if MARKS  
  6.         printf("GRADE A\n");  
  7.     #endif // MARKS  
  9.     printf("Your Result\n");  
  11.     return 0;  
  12. }  

Your Result

Here macro template is not even defined. And for #if to resolve and print the code inside its block, MARKS should be evaluated to non-zero number.

  1. #include<stdio.h>  
  3. #define MARKS  
  5. int main()  
  6. {  
  7.     #if MARKS  
  8.         printf("GRADE A\n");  
  9.     #endif // MARKS  
  11.     printf("Your Result\n");  
  13.     return 0;  
  14. }  

Your Result

Here even though MARKS is defined, it doesn’t have a non-zero value, so the code inside #if block isn’t compiled.

  1. #include<stdio.h>  
  3. #define MARKS 50  
  5. int main()  
  6. {  
  7.     #if MARKS  
  8.         printf("GRADE A\n");  
  9.     #endif // MARKS  
  11.     printf("Your Result\n");  
  13.     return 0;  
  14. }  

Your Result

Here MARKS has a macro expansion as 50, which not zero, so code inside #if gets compiled and executed.

Using logical operatation

  1. #include<stdio.h>  
  3. #define MARKS 50  
  5. int main()  
  6. {  
  7.     #if(MARKS <= 100 && MARKS >= 80)  
  8.         printf("GRADE A\n");  
  9.     #endif // MARKS  
  11.     printf("Your Result\n");  
  13.     return 0;  
  14. }  

Your Result

Check the condition for #if. We can use logical operator and/or arithmetic operators and/or relational operators and/or Conditional Operators in the condition.

Nesting of Directives

  1. #include<stdio.h>  
  3. #define MARKS 50  
  5. int main()  
  6. {  
  7.     #if(MARKS <= 100)  
  8.         printf("GRADE A\n");  
  9.         #if(MARKS >= 80)  
  10.             printf("You're excellent!\n");  
  11.         #else  
  12.             printf("You're not that excellent yet!\n");  
  13.         #endif  
  14.     #endif // MARKS  
  16.     printf("Your Result\n");  
  18.     return 0;  
  19. }  

You’re not that excellent yet!
Your Result

We can nest any number of #if #endif and/or #if #else #endif and/or #if #elif #endif and/or #if #elif #else #endif inside #if and/or #elif and/or #else.

Source Code: Conditional Compilation In C: #if #elif #else #endif

  1. #include<stdio.h>  
  3. #define MARKS 50  
  5. int main()  
  6. {  
  7.     #if(MARKS <= 100 && MARKS >= 80)  
  8.         printf("GRADE A\n");  
  9.     #elif(MARKS <= 79 && MARKS >= 60)  
  10.         printf("GRADE B\n");  
  11.     #elif(MARKS <= 59 && MARKS >= 40)  
  12.         printf("GRADE C\n");  
  13.     #elif(MARKS <= 39 && MARKS >= 30)  
  14.         printf("GRADE D\n");  
  15.     #else  
  16.         printf("Please retake the test!\n");  
  17.     #endif // MARKS  
  19.     printf("Your Result\n");  
  21.     return 0;  
  22. }  

Your Result

Only 1 block of code is compiled and executed here, even if multiple conditions are satisfying. Whichever condition returns non-zero number first, the code inside its block gets executed. All other code will be skipped.

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Conditional Compilation In C: #ifdef #else #endif

In this video tutorial lets learn about preprocessor command or directives like #ifdef, #else and #endif. These directives are used for conditional compilation.

How Does #ifdef Work?

The block of code between #ifdef and #endif works only if the macro name is defined orelse the compiler will skip the entire block of code from compiling.

When To Use #ifdef

1. When we want the compiler to skip certain part of the source code: For this we could even use multi-line comment, but if we already had multi-line comments in the code, we can’t enclose the source code and multi-line comments with another multi-line comment. Nesting of multi-line comments are not allowed in C programming language. So instead of commenting the code we could make use of #ifdef directive.

2. To write portable code: For example, we could write code both for iOS and non-iOS devices. Using #ifdef we could check the device OS and based on that deliver specific set of codes. For this we can use #ifdef

Video Tutorial: Conditional Compilation In C: #ifdef #else #endif

YouTube Link: [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

Source Code: Conditional Compilation In C: #ifdef #else #endif

  1. #include<stdio.h>  
  3. #define iOS  
  5. int main()  
  6. {  
  8.     #ifdef iOS  
  9.         printf("This is iOS Code\n");  
  10.     #else  
  11.         printf("This is code for Android Devices\n");  
  12.     #endif // iOS  
  14.     return 0;  
  15. }  

This is iOS Code

  1. #include<stdio.h>  
  3. int main()  
  4. {  
  6.     #ifdef iOS  
  7.         printf("This is iOS Code\n");  
  8.     #else  
  9.         printf("This is code for Android Devices\n");  
  10.     #endif // iOS  
  12.     return 0;  
  13. }  

This is code for Android Devices

In above programs, if iOS macro name is defined, then the set of code present inside #ifdef block gets compiled and executed. If macro name iOS is not defined, then the code inside #else block gets compiled and executed.

  1. #include<stdio.h>  
  2. #define iOS  
  4. int main()  
  5. {  
  7.     #ifdef iOS  
  8.         printf("This is iOS Code\n");  
  9.     #endif // iOS  
  11.     printf("This is code for all non iOS Devices\n");  
  13.     return 0;  
  14. }  

This is iOS Code
This is code for all non iOS Devices

  1. #include<stdio.h>  
  3. int main()  
  4. {  
  6.     #ifdef iOS  
  7.         printf("This is iOS Code\n");  
  8.     #endif // iOS  
  10.     printf("This is code for all non iOS Devices\n");  
  12.     return 0;  
  13. }  

This is code for all non iOS Devices

Note: using #else is optional. You can just use #ifdef and #endif.

This is similar to if else condition, but here the block of code which do not match the criteria doesn’t even get compiled. It’s treated like regular comments.

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For full C programming language free video tutorial list visit:C Programming: Beginner To Advance To Expert

Preprocessors In C Programming Language

In this video tutorial we’ll cover some basics about preprocessors and give you overview of what we’ll be covering in upcoming video tutorials.


1. Preprocessor is a program that processes our source code before it is passed to the compiler. Hence its name pre-processor.

2. Preprocessor Commands are often called as DIRECTIVES.

3. Preprocessor Directives begin with # symbol.

Coming soon ..

1. Macro expansion.
2. File inclusion.
3. Conditional compilation.
4. Miscellaneous directives.
5. We’ll also be covering about predefined macros.

Previously we had covered a little bit about File inclusion, you can take a look at it here include directive in C Program

Video Tutorial: Preprocessors In C Programming Language

YouTube Link: [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

Computer Science Students and Professionals

If you’re a computer science student enrolled in University, your syllabus may not include in-depth learning of preprocessors. But when it comes to competitive exams and real-time application programming you’ll have to use preprocessors a lot. So better learn it now.

In upcoming videos we’ll cover preprocessor concepts in detail with simple example programs to explain the concepts/topics.

So stay tuned, stay subscribed to our YouTube channel and blog.

For list of all c programming interviews / viva question and answers visit: C Programming Interview / Viva Q&A List

For full C programming language free video tutorial list visit:C Programming: Beginner To Advance To Expert