Find Biggest of 2 Numbers: C++

Video tutorial to find the biggest of the two integer numbers in C++, using if-else control statements.

Full Source Code

#include < iostream .h >
#include < conio .h  ">

void main()
int a, b;

cout< <"Enter 2 numbers\n";

int big;

if( a > b )
 big = a;
 big = b;

cout< < endl << "among " << a << "="" and="" " << b<<"="" biggest= "" is="" " << big;

In this program we get two integer variables from the user.
If value of variable a is bigger, then we store it inside the variable big; else we store the value of variable b inside variable big.
Finally display the value of variable big which contains the biggest number amongst the two values entered by the user.

Video Tutorial: Biggest of 2 Integer Numbers

YouTube Link: [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

Enter 2 numbers
Among -100 and 0 biggest is 0