• C

Using Macros Find Arithmetic Mean, Absolute Value, Biggest of 3 number and convert upper case alphabet to lower case: C Program

Problem Statement: Write down macro definitions for the following: 1. To find arithmetic mean of two numbers. 2. To find…

5 years ago
  • C

Using Macros Check For Uppercase / Lowercase and Alphabet or Not and Biggest of 2 Numbers: C Program

Problem State: Write down macro definitions for the following: 1. To test whether a character is a small case letter…

5 years ago
  • C

C Program To Print All ASCII Characters and Value using For Loop

Lets write a C program to print/display all ASCII characters and its corresponding value using For loop. Note: In C…

5 years ago
  • C

C Program To Find Lowercase Alphabet or Not using Conditional Operator

Using Conditional Operator / Ternary Operator determine, whether the character entered through the keyboard is a lower case English alphabet…

5 years ago
  • C

C Program To Check Whether a Character is Vowel or Consonant

Lets write a C program to check whether user entered character is a vowel or a consonant. Related Read: if…

5 years ago