Lets write a C program to check whether user entered number is Armstrong or not.
Armstrong number: is a number that is equal to the sum of cubes of its individual digits.
Example: If user input the number 371. It’s individual digits are 3, 7 and 1. Lets cube each digit: 33 + 73 + 13 = 27 + 343 + 1 = 371.
The user entered number 371 is equal to the sum of cube of its individual digits. So 371 is a Armstrong number.
If user enters number as 371.
1. Lets use modular division on that number.
371 % 10 = 1;
2. Lets cube the result(reminder) and store it inside a variable sum.
(1*1*1) = 1. So sum = 1.
3. Divide the number(371) by 10.
371 / 10 = 37. (Remember, when you divide a number by integer number, it returns only the integer part of the result).
Now, sum = 1, number = 37.
Lets repeat step 1, 2 and 3.
1. Lets use modular division on that number.
37 % 10 = 7;
2. Lets cube the result(reminder) and store it inside a variable sum.
(7*7*7) = 343. So sum = 1 + 343.
3. Divide the number(37) by 10.
37 / 10 = 3.
Now, sum = 344, number = 3.
Lets repeat the steps 1,2 and 3 one more time.
1. Lets use modular division on that number.
3 % 10 = 3;
2. Lets cube the result(reminder) and store it inside a variable sum.
(3*3*3) = 27. So sum = 344 + 27.
3. Divide the number(3) by 10.
3 / 10 = 0.
Now, sum = 371, number = 0;
Since number is 0, which means false, the while loop exits.
Next using if-else we check if the user entered number is equal to the sum of cubes of its individual digits.
Related Read:
C Program To Reverse a Number
Basic Arithmetic Operations In C
while loop in C programming
if else statement in C
Calculate Sum of Digits: C Program
C Program to print Armstrong Numbers between 1 and 500
C Program to Check Armstrong Number
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfhGh44CVhw]
Source Code: C Program to Check Armstrong Number
- #include < stdio.h >
- int main()
- {
- int num, rem, sum = 0, temp;
- printf("Enter an integer number\n");
- scanf("%d", &num);
- temp = num;
- while(num)
- {
- rem = num % 10;
- sum = sum + (rem * rem * rem);
- num = num / 10;
- }
- if(temp == sum)
- {
- printf("%d is armstrong number\n", temp);
- }
- else
- {
- printf("%d is not armstrong number\n", temp);
- }
- return 0;
- }
#include < stdio.h >
int main()
int num, rem, sum = 0, temp;
printf("Enter an integer number\n");
scanf("%d", &num);
temp = num;
rem = num % 10;
sum = sum + (rem * rem * rem);
num = num / 10;
if(temp == sum)
printf("%d is armstrong number\n", temp);
printf("%d is not armstrong number\n", temp);
return 0;
Output 1:
Enter an integer number
371 is armstrong number
Output 2:
Enter an integer number
563 is not armstrong number
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