Password Validation Using C: getch()

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  • #1010
    void main()
      char pwd[20]="Oracle";  // your password.
      char ent_pwd[20];  // The typed password will be stored in this array.
      char ch; 
      int i=0;  // used refer array index. 
      printf("Enter the password : ");
     while( (ch=getch()) !='\r' )  // getch() is used to read the char soon after pressing the key.
        printf("*");  // '*' is echoed for each keypress
     ent_pwd[i]='\0';  // assign null char to string( user entered password ).
     if( strcmp(pwd,ent_pwd)==0 ) // if password matched
     printf("\nLogin success full");
     printf("\nLogin failed");
     getch();  // here getch() is used to go to user screen.( general use of getch() )

    Note : getch() is unformatted unbuffered character input function,unbuffered means the char typed will read readily without waiting for enter key to be pressed.

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