
  • C

C Program To Find Prime Factors of a Number

A positive integer is entered through the keyboard. Write a function to obtain the prime factors of this number. For…

5 years ago
  • C

C Program To Calculate One Number Raised To Another using Function

Write a function power( a, b ), to calculate the value of a raised to b. Note: In today's video…

5 years ago
  • C

C Program To Find Factorial of a Number using Function

Write a function to calculate the factorial value of any integer entered through the keyboard. Related Read: C Program To…

5 years ago
  • C

C Program To Generate Fibonacci Series using Function

Lets write a C program to generate Fibonacci Series using function / method. Related Read: Fibonacci Series using While loop:…

5 years ago
  • C

C Program To Find Armstrong Numbers Between Range using Function

In today's video tutorial lets find all the Armstrong numbers or Narcissistic numbers between user entered range, using function /…

5 years ago