• JavaScript

Text Stacking: CSS & JavaScript

Develop and demonstrate, using Javascript, a xHTML document that contains three short paragraphs of text, stacked on top of each…

  • PHP

Return Multiple Values From Function Using Arrays In PHP

If you are a C/C++ programmer, then you know that functions can not return more than one value. To over…

  • JavaScript

Find Position of Left most Vowel: JavaScript

Develop and demonstrate a xhtml file which uses javascript program to find the first occurrence or the left most vowel…

  • JavaScript

Roots of Quadratic Equation: JavaScript

Quadratic Equations are of the form ax2 + bx + c = 0. To find roots(root1 and root2) of such…

  • JavaScript

Generating Fibonacci Series using JavaScript

Today lets see how to generate Fibonacci Series using JavaScript programming. First Thing First: What Is Fibonacci Series ? Fibonacci…

  • CSS

CSS Hover Over Effect ( CSS pseudo class )

There are many small simple tweaks in CSS that can highly enhance the over all design of a web page.…

  • PHP

PHP Comments, String Concatenation, Addition of Numbers & Hello World

Today lets see these 4 basic things:1. The classic "Hello World" program.2. Comment system in PHP.3. Concatenation of Strings.4. Addition…

  • PHP

First PHP program & Worst Practices To Avoid

We can embed php inside html tags and html tags inside php codes, but whatever it is - your php…

  • PHP

Accessing localhost Web-server on Mac and PC

Make sure that you turn on the Wamp if you are on a PC and Mamp if you are on…

  • xHtml

Named Anchors In HTML – For Internal Linking

Often times we spend a lot of time and end up preparing a lengthy document thinking it will be helpful,…