• C

C Program To Print Multiplication Table Using Macros

In this video lets see how we can print multiplication table(from 1 to 10) for any positive user input value,…

  • C

Positive or Negative or Zero Using Macros: C Program

C Program to check whether the user input integer number is positive, negative or zero using Macros and ternary /…

  • C

Even or Odd Number using Macros: C Program

Lets write a C program to find if the user input number is odd or even, using Macros. Related Read:…

  • C

C Program To Determine Leap Year or Not using Macros

In this video tutorial lets learn how to determine user input year is a leap year or not, using Macros…

  • C

Swap 2 Numbers Using Macros: C Program

Today lets learn how to swap two integer numbers(using a temporary variable) using Macros in C. Video Tutorial: Swap 2…

  • C

Biggest of 3 Numbers using Macros: C Program

In this video lets see how we can make use of Macros and ternary / conditional operator to find biggest…

  • C

Macro Continuation (\) Preprocessor Operator: C Program

In this video lets see how we can have multiple line of code inside macro expansion, by using preprocessor operator…

  • C

Predefined Macros In C Programming Language

In today's video tutorial lets look at couple of predefined Macros in C programming Language. Uses of Predefined Macros It's…

  • C

#pragma Directive: C Program

In this video tutorial lets look at using #pragma preprocessor directive. #pragma Directive #pragma is a special purpose directive which…

  • C

#undef Directive: C Program

In today's video tutorial lets see how to use #undef preprocessor directive. Related Read: C Program To Find Area of…