In this video lets see how we can print multiplication table(from 1 to 10) for any positive user input value,…
C Program to check whether the user input integer number is positive, negative or zero using Macros and ternary /…
Lets write a C program to find if the user input number is odd or even, using Macros. Related Read:…
In this video tutorial lets learn how to determine user input year is a leap year or not, using Macros…
Today lets learn how to swap two integer numbers(using a temporary variable) using Macros in C. Video Tutorial: Swap 2…
In this video lets see how we can make use of Macros and ternary / conditional operator to find biggest…
In this video lets see how we can have multiple line of code inside macro expansion, by using preprocessor operator…
In today's video tutorial lets look at couple of predefined Macros in C programming Language. Uses of Predefined Macros It's…
In this video tutorial lets look at using #pragma preprocessor directive. #pragma Directive #pragma is a special purpose directive which…
In today's video tutorial lets see how to use #undef preprocessor directive. Related Read: C Program To Find Area of…