Preventing Inheritance and Overriding with final: PHP OOP

Video tutorial illustrating, how to prevent inheritance and overring using final keyword, in Object Oriented PHP. In this program, we…

  • PHP

Overriding: PHP OOP

Video tutorial to illustrate Overriding in Object Oriented PHP Programming. Here, we take two class: A and B. Extend class…

  • PHP

Single Inheritance: PHP OOP

Inheritance is a way to reuse the code of existing objects. In this video tutorial we're illustrating single inheritance mechanism.…

  • PHP

Access Specifiers: PHP OOP

Controlling Access with public, private and protected access modifiers. These access specifiers can be used on both variables/attributes and methods.…

  • PHP

Constructors and Destructors: PHP OOP

Video tutorial illustrates the use of Constructor and Destructor functions in Object Oriented PHP Programming. Constructor: A constructor is an…

  • jQuery

jQuery Tutorial List

Follow the order in this post and make sure to practice all the tutorials and also share your knowledge with…

  • PHP

Object Oriented Programming Basic: PHP

Video tutorial illustrates basics of OOP in PHP. Things covered: Defining class. Creating Objects. Public and Private access of Properties/Data.…

  • jQuery

Login Form: jQuery + PHP + AJAX

In this Video tutorial, we build a login form which checks username and password and displays appropriate message on the…

  • jQuery

Registration Form Validation: PHP + jQuery + AJAX (PART 2)

In this video tutorial we illustrate both client side as well as server side validation. Client side validation using jQuery.…

  • jQuery

Registration Form Using jQuery + PHP + AJAX (PART 1)

Video tutorial illustrates development of user registration form using jQuery AJAX method. In this tutorial we shall build a registration…