Lets look at some basics of indexes in MongoDB. If we have 3 fields in a document - name, age,…
Lets learn about multikey indexes and how they are efficient in MongoDB. database name: daily collections: gadgets, users Insert documents…
Lets learn how to remove documents from the collection using remove() and drop() methods. test database, names collection > db.names.find().pretty()…
Lets learn how to update all the documents present in a collection using update() method, using the option multi: true…
Lets learn to use upsert option with update() method. upsert basically inserts document into the collection, if there is no…
Lets learn some of the methods and operators to work with arrays in MongoDB. In this video tutorial, we'll be…
Lets learn how to use $inc operator with update() method in MongoDB. test database, names collection > db.names.find().pretty() { "_id"…
Lets use $unset operator along with update() method, to update the documents. test database, names collection > db.names.find().pretty() { "_id"…
Lets use $set operator along with update() method, to update the documents. test database, names collection > db.names.find() { "_id"…
Lets learn how to update MongoDB document using update() method. test database, names collection > db.names.find().pretty() { "_id" : ObjectId("53c3c4b1a0eddb0a706e4f56"),…