• C

C Program To Calculate Distance Between Two Points

Given two points A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2), find the distance between them. Formula To Calculate Distance Between Two Points…

  • C

C Program To Calculate Surface Area of Cone

Given the values for radius and height of a Cone, write a C program to calculate Surface Area of the…

  • C

C Program To Calculate Volume of Cone

Given the values for radius and height of a Cone, write a C program to calculate volume of the Cone.…

  • C

C Program To Calculate Surface Area of Sphere

Given the value for radius of a Sphere, write a C program to calculate Surface Area of the Sphere. Formula…

  • C

C Program To Calculate Volume of Sphere

Given the value for radius of a Sphere, write a C program to calculate volume of the Sphere. Formula To…

  • C

C Program To Calculate Surface Area of Cylinder

Given the values for radius and height of a Cylinder, write a C program to calculate Surface Area of the…

  • C

C Program To Calculate Circumference of Circle

Given the radius of a Circle, write a C program to calculate circumference of the Circle. Formula To Calculate Circumference…

  • C

C Program To Calculate Volume of Cylinder

Given the values for radius and height of a cylinder, write a C program to calculate volume of the Cylinder.…

  • C

Modulus or Modulo Division In C Programming Language

Today lets learn about Modulus or Modulo or Modular Division in C programming language. Division Example 10 / 5 =…

  • C

21 Matchstick Game: C Program

Write a C program for a matchstick game being played between the computer and a user. Your program should ensure…