C Program To Copy Elements of One Array To Another

Lets write a c program to copy all the elements of one array to another array of same size.

Related Read:
Basics of Arrays: C Program

Example: Expected Output

Enter 5 integer numbers

Copying elements of array a to b

Original(a[5]) –> Copy (b[5])
5 –> 5
2 –> 2
6 –> 6
4 –> 4
3 –> 3
Copy array elements from a to bCopy array elements from a to b

Video Tutorial: C Program To Copy Elements of One Array To Another

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ib_xqm4J1d0 [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

Source Code: C Program To Copy Elements of One Array To Another


#define N 5

int main()
    int a[N], b[N], i;

    printf("Enter %d integer numbers\n", N);
    for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        scanf("%d", &a[i]);

    printf("\n\nCopying elements of array a to b\n");
    for(i = 0; i < N ; i++)
        b[i] = a[i];

    printf("\nOriginal(a[%d])  -->  Copy (b[%d])\n", N, N);
    for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
        printf("%4d\t\t-->%6d\n", a[i], b[i]);

    return 0;

Enter 5 integer numbers

Copying elements of array a to b

Original(a[5]) –> Copy (b[5])
5 –> 5
4 –> 4
3 –> 3
2 –> 2
1 –> 1

Logic To Copy Elements of One Array To Another

We ask the user to enter N integer numbers. N is macro which is used to define size of the array. We store the user entered numbers inside array variable a. Since both array variables a and b has same size we copy individual elements of array variable a to array variable b at same index position.

At the end we print / display the content of both original array(a[5]) and the array to which the elements are copied to(b[5]).

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