In this video tutorial we’ll cover some basics about preprocessors and give you overview of what we’ll be covering in upcoming video tutorials.
Page Contents
1. Preprocessor is a program that processes our source code before it is passed to the compiler. Hence its name pre-processor.
2. Preprocessor Commands are often called as DIRECTIVES.
3. Preprocessor Directives begin with # symbol.
Coming soon ..
1. Macro expansion.
2. File inclusion.
3. Conditional compilation.
4. Miscellaneous directives.
5. We’ll also be covering about predefined macros.
Previously we had covered a little bit about File inclusion, you can take a look at it here include directive in C Program
Video Tutorial: Preprocessors In C Programming Language
Computer Science Students and Professionals
If you’re a computer science student enrolled in University, your syllabus may not include in-depth learning of preprocessors. But when it comes to competitive exams and real-time application programming you’ll have to use preprocessors a lot. So better learn it now.
In upcoming videos we’ll cover preprocessor concepts in detail with simple example programs to explain the concepts/topics.
So stay tuned, stay subscribed to our YouTube channel and blog.
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