Lets write a C program to convert a number from Octal number system(base 8) to Decimal number system(base 10) in one line.
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Page Contents
Expected Output for the Input
User Input:
Enter an Octal number
Decimal Representation of Octal Number 41 is 33.
Logic To Convert Octal To Decimal Number In One Line of Code
In c programming language, any octal number(%o format specifier) you store will also be stored in decimal form and you can print it using %d format specifier.
Video Tutorial: C Program To Convert Octal To Decimal Number In One Line
Source Code: C Program To Convert Octal To Decimal Number In One Line
#include < stdio.h > int main() { int num; printf("Enter an Octal number\n"); scanf("%o", &num); printf("\nDecimal Representation of Octal Number %o is %d\n", num, num); return 0; }
Output 1:
Enter an Octal number
Decimal Representation of Octal Number 20 is 16
Output 2:
Enter an Octal number
Decimal Representation of Octal Number 51 is 41
Output 3:
Enter an Octal number
Decimal Representation of Octal Number 132 is 90
Output 4:
Enter an Octal number
Decimal Representation of Octal Number 16 is 14
Output 5:
Enter an Octal number
Decimal Representation of Octal Number 40 is 32
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