The Best IDE For C Programming

There are many IDE(Integrated Development Environment) available for C programming language, but I would prefer using Code::Blocks or Visual Studio Editor.

For this video tutorial series we’ll be using Code::Blocks.

You can visit CodeBlocks website and navigate to Downloads section, and then to Binaries section and depending upon your Operating System, download the IDE and install it. Downloading and installation of Code::Blocks is shown in the video posted below. You can follow along and get started with programming in C language.

  2. #include < stdio.h >  
  3. int main()  
  4. {  
  5.     printf("Microsoft\n Apple\n Oracle\n Google\n Yahoo\n");  
  6.     return 0;  
  7. }  


Above program is just an example. You need not worry if you didn’t understand it. I’ll be explaining it in the next video, in detail. For now, if possible type the program as it is and try to compile and execute it on your own by seeing the video. Try to change the content inside printf function and run compilation(Build) and execution(Run) once again and see the results for yourself.

The Best IDE For C Programming


YouTube Link: [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

1. Code::Blocks is available for all the popular Operating Systems. So whatever I show in the video tutorial is applicable for everyone irrespective of the OS they’re using.

2. Code::Blocks comes with C/C++ compiler, so you need not install compiler or any other plugins separately.

3. Make sure to download the latest version of the IDE. And make sure the file you download has ( codeblocks-17.12mingw-setup ) mingw in it. That’s how we can know it comes shipped with c/c++ compiler by default.

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