Insert And Extract/Fetch Data From Database: PHP Script

What to expect ?
Using PHP script insert user entered data/information into database and extract/fetch data stored in database and display it on the browser.
This video tutorial also teaches the MySQL queries.

In this video tutorial we have used a readymade form which uses POST method to pass the user entered information. To watch the coding/designing of this form go to POST Method In Action: Simple Form

Video Tutorial: Insert And Extract/Fetch Data From Database: PHP Script

YouTube Link: [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

MySQL Commands and Uses

mysql > drop database abc;

This command will delete the database by name abc, if its already present.

mysql > create database abc;

This MySQL command creates a new database by name abc.

mysql > use abc;

After creating the database abc, we must tell the console that we want to operate on the newly created database. i.e., use abc;

mysql > create table bbc(name varchar(15), company varchar(20));

This MySQL command is used to create a table by name bbc with two string type data fields name and company with character length of 15 and 20 respectively.

mysql > desc bbc;

This shows the description or the structure of the table.

mysql > select * from bbc;

This returns all the contents stored in the table bbc.

PHP Script

Connecting the PHP Script to database

    $conn = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
    $db   = mysql_select_db("abc",$conn);

mysql_connect() is a standard function which takes 3 parameters. First parameter is host name, second parameter is the MySQL username, and the 3rd parameter is the MySQL password.
mysql_select_db() is also a php standard function. Firs parameter is the database name, with which you want the script to be connected to, and the second parameter is optional.
NOTE: We can put this database connection code inside a separate file and include it inside whichever script we want using include(); or include_once(); function. This way we can reduce the coding and this helps a lot while we are editing this information.

Compete Source Code


 <head><title>POST Method in Action</title></head>
<form action="post.php" method="post">
Name <input type="text" name="user"><br />
Company<input type="text" name="comp"><br />
<input type="submit" value=" Submit Info">

This is a simple form which contains 2 input fields(user and comp) and a submit button. It uses POST method to pass the user submitted information/data.


    $conn = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
    $db      = mysql_select_db("abc",$conn);


    $name       =     $_POST['user'];
    $company =    $_POST['comp'];

    # echo "My name is $name 
And I'm the CEO of my company {$company}" $sql = "INSERT into bbc values('$name','$company')"; $qury = mysql_query($sql); if(!$qury) echo mysql_error(); else { echo "Successfully Inserted"; echo "View Result"; } ?>

After storing the information passed by the user inside $name and $company variables, we use the MySQL query to store this data into the database.

   $sql     = "INSERT into bbc values('$name','$company')";

This MySQL query is stored into $sql variable and is passed to a standard PHP function for execution. i.e., mysql_query($sql);
Based on the result of the execution of the query, we show the proper messages using if statement.

mysql_error() is a standard PHP error function. This helps a lot in development stage, as it shows a descriptive error message. It is not advised to have this error function in the script at deployment stage.

If the query is executed successfully, a link to show.php file is shown and a “Successfully Inserted” message will be displayed on the browser.

    $conn = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
    $db      = mysql_select_db("abc",$conn);


    echo "<ul>";
    $sql = "select * from bbc";

    $qury = mysql_query($sql);

    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($qury))
        echo "<li>Name: $row[0]</li><li>Company: $row[1]</li>";

    echo "</ul>";

We have already explained the select query above.

$row = mysql_fetch_array($qury)

This PHP function gets all the result stored in $query and stores it inside $row variable in the form of an array.

If we put this above statement inside a While loop, the loop terminates once there are no more elements in the $query variable.

Now, echo/print the contents of the $row variable to get the contents being fetched by the database using SELECT query.

We can either use the indexing like: $row[0], $row[1] etc or we can directly mention the database field names to reduce confusion i.e., $row[name], $row[company] etc.

47 thoughts on “Insert And Extract/Fetch Data From Database: PHP Script”

  1. Thanks a lot buddy !

    we were too worry to know how to fetch the column value……!!

    Thanx again yaar……!!!!

  2. thanks so much for everything it helped a lot ….i was just wondering if u can tell us about inserting and displaying images into and from the mysql database

  3. @jordan, Thanks. Will let you know about working with images in a video tutorial.

    @praveen, Thanks for your feedback. You can help us by letting your other friends know about

  4. thanx dude.. it helped me alot.. was too too too confused abt database insertion n extraction.. :)

  5. thanx a lot bro..
    fter watching this i will keep on following u. :P
    in show.php when u run in apache after u login u were enablle to see all every one’s company name how to make it personal i mean like
    only limited access to his information
    like profile.php

  6. @Azhar Alam, In show.php there is a sql statement: $sql = “select * from bbc”;

    Make the following changes $sql = “SELECT * from bbc WHERE name=’$name'”;

    where $name should be taken dynamically using sessions or $_GET[] etc methods. This way we can customize the display to everyone.

  7. This code is very helpful .It also explains how to fetch data with the help of $row = mysql_fetch_array($qury) with coding.
    Thank you so much!

  8. thnkuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu sooooooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  9. Thankss a lot…….plz sent me a coading page that how i fetch data from two field and how i display it on screen………plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me……………My email id is- [email protected]………….plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz nobody can not help me about this…………….sudipta

  10. @sudipta, Hey, you can get onto our forum and post your exact question in the relevant section. I’m sure people will be glad to help you out.

    In above video tutorial, I’ve explained about fetching data from two fields. Analyze the coding and you’ll get it. I know its difficult to understand from someone else’s code, but you’ll if you put some effort.
    Let me know in the forum, if you need anything more.

    @Asraful, @nidhi, @Dawson, @sudipta,
    Thanks for your feedback.. it means a lot to me

  11. Hello sir, can you help me to to figure out my details.php form. i want people to see what i submitted to a website …… numbers by using the number to check the info. like a courier tracking number where you will see your shipping details

  12. Hey @micky, since this is a question about a custom application development, I can’t help you in this comment section; as it may turn out to be irrelevant to other users.

    You could get our professional service or post about this on our official forum, so that we can help you in your effort.

    Thanks a lot for understanding ..

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