Basics of Jade – Template Engine: Node.js

Lets learn some of the basics of Jade Template Engine. Jade is the default template engine for Express Web Framework of Node.js Also note that, Jade and Express are open source product of the same company, so go very well with each other!

Using template engine might seem pointless in the beginning, but if you’re building a large-scale application, it’s a handy tool and you’ll feel good about your decision to use one for your project.

Make sure you’ve installed Express Web framework and Jade module locally for your application. You can find the procedure at Express Web Framework: Node.js

Configuration Section

app.set('view engine', 'jade');

This would let your application know that you’ll be using Jade as Template Engine. This way, you need not mention the Template Engines file extension each time.

Jade File: Indentation

  title Technotip

Would output


Indentations in Jade decide which element(s) is/are a child off which element.

Jade File: Variable

 - var name = "Love For Design"
 p= name


Jade File: String. Minus sign significance

 - var name = "Love For Design"
 p #{name}

Out put Love For Design on the browser, inside a paragraph tag.

Jade File: Code Interpretation – REPL

 p #{ 1 + 5 }

This outputs 6 on to the browser inside a paragraph tag.

Jade File: String Length Management

  | My Name is Satish
  | I Love web development
  | I love helping people
  | by teaching them whatever I know
  | I believe, this is a good cause of 
  | spreading knowledge.

This would treat the entire string as a single line text, and out put looks like:
My Name is Satish I Love web development I love helping people by teaching them whatever I know I believe, this is a good cause of spreading knowledge.

Jade File: Id’s and Classes

  p.highlight I Love Node.js

This would apply the id wrapper to div and highlight class to p tag.

Jade File: Multiple id and class

  p I Love Node.js

We could even assign multiple id’s and classes to a html element.

Jade File: Anchor Tag

a(href="/about", rel="nofollow") Satish

This would wrap the word Satish with anchor tag and nofollow attribute.

Jade File: Anchor Tag and Image Tag

a(href="/about", rel="nofollow") Satish
img(src="1.gif", alt="Child Eating KitKat")

This would output Satish with anchor tag and nofollow attribute. Also an image with alt attribute attached to it. Both these tags are siblings.

Jade File: Hyperlink the Image file – Hypermedia

a(href="/about", rel="nofollow")
 img(src="1.gif", alt="Child Eating KitKat")

Indent img tag inside anchor tag and the image gets linked to by the anchor tag.

Jade File: Writing Function inside Jade file

- var fn = function() { return "android KitKat"}
p #{fn()}

This outputs android KitKat to the browser.

Jade File: Accessing elements of Object

- obj = { name: "Apple", product: "iPhone"}
  li #{}
  li #{obj.product}

This would output

  • Apple
  • iPhone

Jade File: Accessing elements of an array

- obj = [ "Nexus 5", "iPhone 5S"]
  li #{obj[0]}
  li #{obj[1]}

This would output

  • Nexus 5
  • iPhone 5S

Jade File: Including another jade file

 include show

This would include the contents of show.jade file inside index.jade file.

Basics of Jade – Template Engine: Node.js

YouTube Link: [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

– sign tells jade that the code that follows should be executed.
= sign tells that the code should be evaluated, escaped and then output.

Stay subscribed: In next video we’ll show how to use bootstrap + Express + Jade + Node.js
Building a web form. Loops and Conditional statements present in Jade.