Email Input Type: HTML5

Lets look at email input type of HTML5 forms.

In this video, we illustrate how you can implement simple email validation using email input type.

HTML file

Email input type: HTML5

Here we have an input field of type email. We haven’t implemented complicated JavaScript to check if the entered text actually contains a @ symbol and a valid TLD. email input type checks for all these small requirements to pass it as an email address.

Form Input Type – email: HTML5

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It doesn’t validate the email address completely. Infact, it doesn’t check if the entered email address is actually a real email address or a dummy one. It simply checks for minimal thing in the entered text to determine if it is an email address or not – like @ symbol and a valid TLD(Top Level Domain) extension.

Also on mobile devices, when it encounters these email input type, user is prompted with keypad that aids in entering email address – like the @ symbol present on the same screen and need not to navigate to special symbols section on the keypad.