Descendant Selectors: jQuery

Video tutorial illustrating the syntax of Descendant selectors.

For the purpose of demonstration, we are using simple html structure. It may not suit the requirement of a descendant selector, but we’re using it to keep things simple and easy to understand the syntax of descendant selectors.

In a complex xHTML or XML structure we could have multiple p tags nested inside a div tag and you want one of these p tags to work on. In such a complex case, you are better to go with descendant selectors.

You could select it as follows:

 $("div p:first")

Here it selects the first p tag present inside the div.

jQuery uses simple verbs like first, append, remove etc: which we’ll cover in upcoming tutorials.

Video Tutorial: Descendant Selectors: jQuery

YouTube Link: [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

xHTML code

 Descendant Selectors

Technotip IT Solutions

In the xHTML file, observe the nesting of elements / tags. And the id’s given to div and the buttons.

jQuery Code

$(document).ready( function() {

 $("#main_div").click( function() {
   $("#main").css("background-color", "black");
  $("#sub_div").click( function() {
   $("div div").css("background-color", "yellow");
    $("#sub_div_para").click( function() {
   $("div div p").css("color", "orange");


To know about .css method of jQuery watch: Animation of Text and Image: jQuery

Observe the descendant selectors in above code.

To select a div inside another div, we write:

$("div div")

To select a p tag inside a div which is inturn inside another div, we write:

$("div div p")

We could even combine the id, class names and the tag names while selecting the elements.
class name: para

$("div div p.para")

ID name: para

$("div div p#para")

Optimization Tip:
Being as specific as possible helps speedup the process of selecting the element.