Insertion of Records into Database using Forms: PHP & MySQL

Video tutorial illustrates INSERTION of records into database using simple HTML form and minimal PHP scripting.

First look at these short videos:
Connect to the database
Simple / basic insertion operation

Form and PHP script, both in one file

< ?php

   $name = $_POST['name'];

   if(mysql_query("INSERT INTO apple VALUES('','$name')"))
  echo "Successful Insertion!";
  echo "Please try again";

. in action property of html form simply means that the user entered values will be passed on to itself.
Since we are using . in the action property, we are making use of user entered values in the same file by using if($_POST[‘name’]) PHP code.
we can even use if( isset($_POST[‘name’])) isset() is a PHP function to check whether a variable has some value or not.

Video Tutorial: Insertion of Records into Database using Forms: PHP & MySQL

YouTube Link: [Watch the Video In Full Screen.]

To know the differences between GET and POST methods:
GET Method In Action: Simple Form
POST Method In Action: Simple Form

Data in the database, as shown in the video:
1. Google
2. Apple
3. Microsoft
4. Oracle
5. Technotip

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  • it is very clear and helpful to me. I was a trouble in some other video tutorials. there is lot of cording parts with so much informations. so it difficult to me take
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