Good communication with the clients or customers or readers in the biggest factor for the success of any business. Have a great tribe/community and your business will surly thrive.

1. We install the plugin version of the bbpress forum.
2. We can remove the sidebar from the forum.
3. We can integrate Facebook Like, Google plus, Twitter, Stumble etc buttons for each forum entry(and not just to the threads).
4. We can code the bbpress theme and your existing WordPress theme, so that logged-in users do not see ads on your blog.
5. Not just ads; we can code to differentiate logged in and other users; based on which we could do many things.Ex: Download available only to logged in users etc.
6. Make sure to optimize it for search engines.
7. Automate the process of publishing the forum new forum entry to your fan page or profile on Facebook; and on your Twitter, LinkedIn accounts.
8. We will make sure the theme doesn’t reside inside plugin directory. This will ensure to retain the changes that we would make to your bbpress theme. Child-theme concept: We would make sure you don’t lose the design changes once you update bbpress plugin whenever new version is available.
Service Cost: Free
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